Friday, November 13, 2009

Effect of Tobacco Smoke on Non-Smokers

Is the smoker the only one affected by the tobacco smoke? Unfortunately, No. Children who live with smoking parents have higher heart rates and higher blood pressures and more frequent acute illnesses. Even in a well ventilated room where only a few smoke, a non-smoker during an 8 hour day inhales the equivalent of the smoke from one or more cigarettes. But if the air is heavy with smoke, the amount inhaled may go up to the equivalent of 5 to 10 cigarettes.

Surely we would not want to give our friends and relatives headaches, irritation of their eyes, nose and throat or cause them to cough and wheeze.Never would we want to bring a heart attack or cause serious problems with those who have emphysema, but that is exactly what happens to many non-smokers who are forced to live or work in a smoky atmosphere.

The Voice of Prophecy

Why Do You Smoke?

You probably smoked your first cigarette because it was offered by a "friend" and you were urged to smoke to prove something. A sampling of teen-age opinion as to why they smoked brings such replies as, "It makes me feel grown-up." "To prove I am not afraid." "Because my friends do." "Because I was told not to do it."

If you are a smoker, you will remember your first cigarette. It made you quite ill, with dizziness headache and vomiting. This was the effect of the poisons on your body. As you continued to smoke, your nerve cells became tolerant to the poison, and eventually there was created an intense craving for the next cigarette. This forced you to smoke more and more. This craving is produced by the poison, nicotine, which affects the entire body, but especially the sensitive cells of the brain and nervous system. You then have an unnatural urge to smoke every few minutes not because you are nervous, but because your nerve cells, are crying out for the chemical effects of nicotine.

If you are honest with yourself, you will realize that you soon no longer smoke from choice but because you have to. Many young people begin smoking with the intent to smoke only a few cigarettes for two or three years and then stop. This rarely happens, however. The earlier a person begins to smoke, the more intense is the addiction. This explains why so many people smoke in spite of all the information of the harmful effects of smoking.

the best answer to the problem of smoking is prevention. Do not start the habit. If you have it, give it up as early as possible. Your body begins to repair itself of the damage immediately when you stop smoking.

The Voice of Prophecy

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Smoking Is Dangerous To Health

Smoking is one of the greatest preventable causes of disease in the world today. Hundreds of thousands of people die every year because of diseases related to smoking.

What was thought to be a harmless, interesting custom by those who first smoked several hundred years ago has now changed, since the invention of cigarettes, into death-dealing addiction. As smoking has increased, an alarming increase in the cases of lung cancer has also been noted by doctors in different parts of the world. Today, lung cancer, which used to be rare, is the number one cancer among men in much of the world, including Southeast Asia. It now accounts for 29% of all cancer deaths.

How does smoking harm the body? The act of smoking and the resultant heat in the cigarette produce certain tars and other harmful substances. These are inhaled into the delicate linings of the mouth and bronchial tree of the lungs. Some are absorbed into the blood stream. Nicotine is the most familiar poison in tobacco. The hot, dry smoke contains over 1,000 chemicals, 30 of which are poisonous to the body. Some 16 have been found capable of stimulating the development of cancer. These harmful substances are deposited on lung passages, irritating them and causing a chronic smoker's cough. The harmful effects and hazards are related to the duration of smoking, the amount smoked, and inhaling. It may take 20 years for lung cancer to develop, but if a person begins smoking at the age of 14, he may become ill just when his family and his community need him most.

A smoker does not have to wait for 20 years in order to get the harmful effects in his body. Carbon monoxide, a deadly gas which is present in automobile exhaust fumes, is also present in tobacco smoke. It decrease the oxygen supply to the brain by as much as 15%. When you smoke you impair your mental ability. In a study of a large group of students, it was found that 8% of students with an A average smoked, but 60% of those with D or lower averaged smoked.

A person loses 80% of his night vision when he smokes. This is the reason why airline pilots are advised not to smoke while flying. One cigarette will increase the heart rate by 15 beats per minute. It increases the blood pressure and decreases the function of the lungs.

Smoking mothers are almost twice as likely to give birth to a dead baby as non-smoking mothers. Pregnant women who smoke also produce babies who are on the average 170 gram lighter than those of non-smoking mothers.

But the greatest killing effect of smoking is the damage of the heart. Just a few puffs will greatly increase the heart beat and the blood pressure. In fact, there is hardly a part of the body system which is not adversely affected by the poisons contained in tobacco smoke.

The Voice of Prophecy

Friday, September 25, 2009

Slavery, Not Freedom

We have been learning a lot about this marvelous body of ours. We now know that there are basic rules to life and health which, if carefully followed, will assure us happier living. Our body was designed to function smoothly, to keep our feeling comfortable, if we cooperate with these laws.

But these laws do not include harmful chemical and addicting drugs such as are found in tobacco, alcohol, coffee, tea, cola drinks or drugs in pill forms.

But we say, "I want freedom to think and do as I please." Is there freedom without law? No, only chaos. We may not believe the law, but that doesn't change it. We may say, "There is no such a law as gravity," but if we jump from the top of a high-rise apartment, the results of our landing will be the same whether we believe the law of gravity or not. Our body runs by a set of rules built in by its great Designer. Observing these laws isn't a question of sacrifice or restriction. It's just good common sense to feel better and live longer.

We are constantly bombarded with advertising and slogans which offer escape from life's monotony and boredom or discomfort. When we can't sleep, we take a drug. When we can't lose weight, we take a drug. When we have a stomachache from overeating or over drinking, we take a drug. When the party slows down, don't reach for conversation, reach for a drug (alcohol).

Doesn't it make more sense to prevent these conditions? Rather than taking a sleeping pill, crawl into a bath of warm water for 30 minutes or more. Isn't better to miss some sleep than to form the habit of taking sedative drugs? Rather than taking a stomach medicine or a headache pill, why not learn to avoid tension and overeating?

Rather than taking a stimulant such as caffeine to keep us awake, which also ruins our nerves and makes us more tired, irritable and prematurely old, isn't it better to get adequate rest and recreation?

To have the kind of total health we are seeking, we must be in full command of our mental and physical powers at all times. Anything that destroys, perverts, or disturbs our mind is health-destroying. When we numb our brain or alter our thinking with the use of drugs, whether they are legal or illegal, what is the effect? We become less sensitive to our surroundings and our body needs, less aware of the rights and moods of your fellowmen. We are dictated to, not so much by reason, as by the toxic substances we have taken into our body. We are no longer free to think, but are a slave to the stimulant or depressant (sedative) that controls us.

This is not freedom, but the worst kind of slavery.

The Voice of Prophecy
The picture is taken from Black History - Black History from an African American Perspective

Monday, September 7, 2009

You Were Made to Be Free!

The patient was propped up against a thick pillow. He wheezed as he spoke. "I'm a bit nervous. My surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning. I wonder what it will be like living with just one lung."

Every sentence was punctuated with a series of racking coughs. They seemed to tear apart his already thin, fragile-looking body. His tobacco-stained fingers clutched at his chest. Those fingers that held thousands of cigarettes to his mouth had put him into this tragic situation.

Disease never comes without a cause. We invite it by breaking the laws of health. True, our body will stand a terrific amount of abuse, but finally, it rebels.

The Voice of Prophecy
Thanks to Ajka Hungary for sharing the picture. This picture entitled "Last Request: Please Don't Smoke" found on Flickr in Ajka Hungary photo stream. May God bless you friend.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Create a Vision

In gaining great health, or striving to win a disease battle, you must create a vision. A vision of what you want you yourself to be. It is simple and easy. What you need to do is just to create a vision of who you want to be, and then live your life into the picture (your vision), as if it were already true. Do not wait until you receive a vision. You create one. In other words, you can make it up. If you think you are healthy, then you are healthy. If you think you are unhealthy, then you are unhealthy. Your subconscious mind will, in an amazing way, create the necessary blueprint to achieve your vision. So, what you might think as a start is...
I am healthy, and I will live my life according to the principles of health!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Which one is you?

These emotions tend to break down the life forces and to invite decay and death.
These emotions promote health and prolong life.

The Voice of Prophecy

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How to Live with Tension and Enjoy It?

These important principles will help you to control excessive stress and your reaction to it.
  1. When there is too much general stress, when mind and body are equally tired, rest is the answer. But when there is local stress in only one part of the body the answer is diversion. For example, diversion, not rest, is the cure for a tired mind. Fatigue from stress must be relieved by work, exercise, and change. A physical fitness programme of walking, swimming, or hard physical work creates a balance between mental activity and physical activity. There must be a balance between mind and muscle.
  2. Take time off from your work frequently. Several shorter vacations during the year are more valuable than one long vacation. These "mini" vacations can be a long week-end where you and your family get away from the everyday stresses of life.
  3. Don't take work home from the office. Organize your work and your office routine so that you can see the family and devote time entirely to them.
  4. Practice some of the principal that you have read and learned in the previous posts of this blog. Live a balanced life of work, play and rest each day. Avoid chemicals such as tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine. Don't overeat and get adequate sleep at night.
  5. Make decisions when the decision need to be made. Hesitation, indecision, and doubt hurt. We always feel better after a decision is made, even though it may be the wrong decision.
  6. Release your worry. talk to yourself. do not repress or do not explode but control your emotions.
  7. Be social. Take time to visit. One of the best ways to control our emotions and stress is to develop an interest in helping others. Many men and women have found help when they turn their attention to helping someone else. There is no influence more healing than the spring of unselfishness flowing from within.
  8. Work and love it. Achievement is the satisfaction and antidote for stress. When one is happy in his work, he does not look at the time clock.
The Voice of Prophecy

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Control of the Emotions

As a response to the previous post, I'd really like to state that emotional control is a basic to living a happy life, and becoming a mature person. As you learn to control your emotions, you will be able to tolerate frustrating experiences. Though you can't directly control your feelings, you can control your thoughts and your actions, you dominate your feelings. Discipline yourself to smile; count your blessings, write them down if necessary. Nothing tends more to promote health of body and mind than does a spirit of gratitude and praise.

One of the best way to achieve emotional control is to develop an interest in helping others. Do good to them that hate you. Never carry a grudge. The happiest and best adjusted people live in a world bigger than themselves.

The person who is learning to be mature accepts and adapts to life as it is and makes the most of what he has. He faces problems as they come, one day at a time. He finds joy even in hardships. Life is never perfect for anyone. You'll always find someone worse off than you are. We should change what we can, accept what we cannot change, and pray that God will show us the difference. A mature person does not run away from difficult problems or make excuses for mistakes. Instead he takes his problem to God, who helps him use them as stepping stones to success.

The Voice of Prophecy

Picture by Flickr
© Astrid Walker/HelpAge International 2005

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Emotions - Valuable or Destructive?

On the other hand, positive emotions are a part of a healthy and happy existence. They make life interesting and worth living. Most of the worthwhile experiences in our lives are connected with our emotions. Emotions may protect us and bring us feelings of compassion, pity, and even arouse us to act to change some unpleasant circumstances of others or ourselves. David Livingstone, the famous explorer and missionary to Africa, had strong feelings when he saw the suffering caused by slave trade. These strong feelings were translated into action, and he was to a large extent responsible for ending the slave trade. It is impossible to estimate the impact on the world of the emotional response of thousands of people to the sufferings of Jesus Christ.

Courage, hope, faith, sympathy, love - these emotions promote health and prolong life. A contented mind and cheerful spirit is health to the body, and strength to the mind.

Unfortunately, all of us have experienced unhealthy emotional reactions, such as resentment, hatred, depression, grief, anxiety, discontent, guilt and distrust. These emotions tend to break down the life forces and to invite decay and death.

The Voice of Propecy

Monday, June 29, 2009

8 Simple Health Principles

This is a video from the World's Last Chance website that I have visited recently. The video is about the 8 principles that can prevent most of our diseases which are lifestyle related. Thanks to World's Last Chance for distributing such video for free. Please watch the video to learn more about the principles.

Examples of Emotional Illness

Tom, a progressive young business man was often bothered by a heavy feeling across his chest. It was like a tight band around him. He could not breathe freely. Feeling sure he had heart or lung trouble, he went to a clinic in a large city. Much time was spent carefully examining him by many different doctors, but no physical disease was found.

Still sick, Tom returned home. His own family doctor, who had known him for a long time, was aware of the difficulty. He knew that Tom was working in the office of his father, who dominated the business. Tom, who was very capable, was left in an inferior role. Filled with rebellion against his father, he was taking his feelings out on himself. When all this was explained to him, Tom determined, with God's help, to get rid of his bitterness. With the "load" off his chest, he soon felt better.

Mary developed a persistent headache for which there seemed to be no cause. After much careful investigation she became aware of the fact that her headaches began when her sister-in-law, whom she greatly dislikes, had come to stay with her two years previously. This cause inward tension which had to come out somewhere. It came out in the form of a headache. She was an example that the expression, "That person gives me a pain in the neck" or "That person gives me a headache" can actually be true.

Dolly is a young woman who carried a heavy responsibilities at home. She had a sickly mother to care for, and a father who was an alcoholic. While doing her best to maintain the home, she also had to put up a good front to the outside world at her job. Eventually she reacted to the situation. Frequently she was bothered by persistent vomiting. She lost weight and was finally hospitalized.

all examinations of her digestive tract were normal. However, a careful talk with her revealed that the real cause of her problem was her home situation. It was "too much for her to swallow." Her physical symptoms were an expression of what she was unable to put into words or even admit to herself.

The Voice of Prophecy

Friday, June 26, 2009


Two of my friends in Keningau, Sabah has joined the Seminar about CREATION Health in Miri, Sarawak several months ago. I asked them what it is all about and they told me that it is just the same with NEWSTART programme. I am a little confused about it in the beginning. However, after I visited the website of CREATION Health, I was astonished that it is actually a lifestyle transformation programme designed to help people live life to the fullest by focusing on the eight universal principles of whole person health God originally gave at Creation.

CREATION is actually an acronym for;
  • Choice is the first step toward improved health. Making healthy choices is the key to lifestyle improvement. Research shows that people who believe they have more control over their lives tend to be healthier and live longer.
  • Rest is both a good night's sleep and taking time to relax. Life's stress and pressures accumulate over time and can create a generalized "dis-ease" with life. Relaxation techniques practiced regularly, can lower blood pressure, change one's mood and reduce stress.
  • Environment is the external space outside of us but that which affects what happens within us. All of our senses -- sight, smell, sound, touch and taste -- can influence our mood as well as our health, either positively or negatively. Recent research demonstrates not only the importance of our larger environment (air and water quality) to our health, but also our immediate environment (light, sound, aroma and touch).
  • Activity includes stretching, muscle development and aerobic activity. The goal is to be active physically, mentally and spiritually. Activities should be something you enjoy and will participate in for years to come. Research indicates that an increase in activity translates directly into improved health.
  • Trust in God speaks to the important relationship between spirituality and healing. Our faith, beliefs and hopes affect our health. Research shows the vital role that belief and expectation have on the final outcome.
  • Interpersonal Relationships are important to your well-being. Knowing you have the support of others fortifies your resolve and contributes to improved health. Research has demonstrated the importance of support groups and family in recovering from illness.
  • Outlook colors your perspective on life. Recent research suggests that your attitude influences your health and even impacts the progression of disease.
  • Nutrition is the fuel that drives the whole system. Take time to evaluate your food intake remembering that even small improvements, done regularly multiply the health benefits many times over. Research has consistently shown the importance of a good diet on your health and energy levels.
If you want to know more about CREATION Health programme, please visit the website at It's worth to know about it.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Ten Commandments of Health

These are the Ten Commandments of Health which I would like to share it with you.
  1. Take enough sunlight/sunshine
  2. Breath fresh air
  3. Drink enough water
  4. Enough rest
  5. Enough Exercise
  6. Take only healthy food
  7. Self-control, be moderate in all things
  8. Be clean and hygienic
  9. Love one another
  10. Believe in and have strong relationship with God

Friday, June 19, 2009

4 Verified Cases of H1N1

My country, Malaysia has recorded 4 more of positive H1N1 cases today, making Malaysia to having until now, 27 cases of H1N1. All cases are stated as "imported cases".

From 27 verified cases, 12 patients have fully recovered while 15 last cases is still under medical supervision and now is getting recovered. They seem to react to the antiviral given.

Until now, the H1N1 cases has infected 39, 803 peoples from 88 countries and results in 167 deaths.

Despite all that, I really suggest readers to read this entry.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tension, Can Be Good

Let me use the word 'he' to help me describe a situation. Okay. He was walking home from his night class, calm and relaxed, enjoying the quiet moonlit evening. His heart was beating quietly about 70 beats a minute. His breathing was slow and regular. He was at peace. Suddenly a large man with a handkerchief around his face rushed out of the shadows toward him. Fear sent an impulse to his brain exciting his autonomic nerves. An alarm reaction flashed out from his brain to all parts of his body. The adrenal glands poured out extra amounts of a powerful hormone called adrenalin, which had widespread effects in his body. His heart beat faster, his blood pressure rose, his breathing speeded up to supply more oxygen, his digestion stopped (it can wait until the crisis passes), the pupils of his eyes got larger in order to see better, and his mind become more active. He was ready for a fight or a flight, whichever was the wiser choice at the moment. This chain of reactions was normal and necessary for him whenever he faced a real danger.

If you then, are awakened at night by a thief in your house, or if you are faced suddenly with a speeding car in the highway, this alarm reaction may save your life. As soon as the danger is past, your body returns to its normal state. However, if the stress is greatly prolonged, you would eventually suffer complete exhaustion. Under extreme condition of stress itself, in an unhealthy person, the person can result in death.

If a person sits at home and allows his mind to think about such things as thieves breaking in or fear of an oncoming disaster or disease, or if he is angry or bitter with another person, his body will go through the same alarm reactions as if he were in actual danger. An excessive and frequent production of these reactions over weeks and months results in harmful effects and produces a set pattern of disturbing sensations. The person is living in an anxiety state. When we become more concerned with our own physical symptoms than with the initial problems, we become anxious and nervous. Keeping the body under continual stress is like running an engine at high speed without let-up. Eventually something has to give. When the body is stressed, all parts are exposed to tension. The part that breaks down happens to be that which is the weakest in that particular person. Neither the body nor the mind can take too much wear in the same place. Thousands are in trouble because the same thought, the same problems, the same fear and frustrations has grown deeper and deeper until the mind becomes unbalanced. Overloaded minds, like overloaded electric circuits, have a way of blowing a fuse.

It is not possible to avoid stress entirely, but it is possible and very important to control your reaction to it. It is the body's faulty reaction to stress which causes the so called "stress disease". Tension does not come from the outside. It is something you produce; therefore you can control it.

The Voice of Prophecy

Friday, June 12, 2009

What is Stress?

Are you stress now? Let me tell you about it. Stress is simply the body's reaction the wear and tear of life. Every single activity you engage in, every emotion you feel, whether it is asking the boss for a raise, or trying to complete an assignment, set up stress. The way your body reacts to such stress agents has much to do with your health.

Excessive emotions can be harmful. Anger can become so blinding that it leads to regretted actions. Fear can be so paralyzing that one is powerless to act. Normal body functions are upset by such emotions.

Emotional and mental stress can cause ulcers, asthma, high blood pressure, intestinal diseases, an even arthritis. 75 percent of all illnesses came from disordered emotions. These changes come through the autonomic or automatic nervous system. This is a system whose functions are largely beyond your control.

Your nervous system consist of two main parts known as the voluntary and involuntary (automatic). The voluntary nerves radiating from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles which direct the movement of the limbs, the head, and the trunk. We control them more or less as we wish.

The involuntary nerves act upon the internal organs and muscles, such as the heart, the lungs, the intestines and the arteries. Unlike the voluntary nerves, the involuntary nerves are not under our direct control, but they do respond to our moods and our emotions.

The Voice of Prophecy

Thursday, June 11, 2009

You Are What You Think!

Hi readers! What sort of day did you have yesterday? Did you feel under "pressure"? Was there a deadline to meet and not enough time to meet it? Did you shout at those under your authority or have quarrel with your boss? Did you get upset because you couldn't find your notes for the coming examination? Did you get home from the office tired and couldn't sleep?

Tension, Good or Bad?

If the answer to most of these questions is "yes", then the chances are that you are suffering from excessive tension or stress. Tension in itself is not bad. It is a desirable nuisance which can be a blessing. Tension relieves boredom and helps you fulfill your goal in life. Tension followed by right action gives you a sense of well-being.

Did you know that there is a tremendously close relationship between your mind and your body? Did you know that your mind can produce disease in your body? The term for this relationship is called psychosomatic. "Psyche" means the mind, and "Soma" means the body. That this relationship has always been present is evident from an ancient writer, who said, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." (Proverbs 17:22, King James Version, KJV).

Did you know that changes are produced in your body by emotions or thoughts?

Here are some persona questions about simple reactions between your mind and body. When you were embarrassed, didn't your face turn red? Doesn't your mouth get dry when you are angry? When you are afraid, are the palms of the hands wet with perspiration?

Emotions are persistent feelings or moods. These may be acute feelings such as rage, horror, agony, excitement, shame, amusement. They may lasts for days or even weeks, such as depression, cheerfulness, anxiety, resentment, or bitterness.

Some emotions heighten levels of activity because they are exciting. Others have a quieting effect. The small boy who jumps up and down, clapping his hands when he learns he is to visit the zoo is an example of the first. Sorrow and grief have the latter effect.

Emotions are triggered by situations or by memory of past events or anticipation of the future. That is why some emotional behavior is so unreasonable.

There is an emotional center of the brain, and nerves from this center go out to every part of the body, thus, emotions have an effect on the way we feel.

The Voice of Prophecy

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Close Relationship Between Mind and Body

A dead man has a brain. It looks exactly like yours and mine. But he does not have a mind. He cannot think. It is only when a person is alive that he has a mind which can think, decide, choose and act. The real you is found in this most remarkable organ, the human brain.

There is a close relationship between the mind and the body. Thoughts and emotions affect your body. Physical effects and activities have a profound influence on your thinking. The basic reason for good health habits in eating, drinking, exercise, rest, regularity, abstinence from drugs and chemicals, and trust in divine power is to assure you an alert and healthy mind.

What effects can thinking have on your body? Can you control your emotions and prevent anxiety and fear from robbing you of health and making your life empty and miserable? You'll find the answers in the next post. Just stay with me.

The Voice of Prophecy

The Meaning of Healthy17 is my blog address. Healthy17 is the official name of my blog. Why do I chose Healthy17 to be the name of my blog? Recently, a friend of mine asked me the meaning of Healthy17. I then began to think of writing a post to clarify the meaning of my blog's name. Explicitly, Healthy17 can be described clearly like below.

  1. Healthy = Having a good health, and promoting health.
  2. 1 = The crucial factor that lead to great health is only one, which is God. Believe, trust and obey Him to keep healthy (especially for our spiritual life).
  3. 7 = Other than believing, trusting, and obeying God (which are the fundamental for great health), there are approximately seven important factors that lead you to achieve great health in this world. They are nutrition, exercise, water, sunshine, temperance, air, and rest.
Apart from that, we as a human being, must be diligence and know our body very well. By knowing them, we know what is good for them. So, that's my explanation for my blog's name. It simple and worth to know. I thanks to my friend for asking me the question.

Power of Choice

The important function of your brain is in making choices, the right choices. The part of the brain that separates you from the rest of the animal kingdom is the frontal lobe, the area behind the forehead. Here, decision, judgment, reasoning, and worship take place. Animals do not have this well-developed portion of the brain. The choices we make count for life or death to us now and for our future destiny. Man's freedom of choice, based on past experience and information, requires a number of complicated activities within the brain.
  1. Discrimination is the ability to tell the difference between various objects and facts. You use this when you feel coins in your pocket, find keys in the dark or use any of your special senses, such as hearing, seeing, smelling, and tasting.
  2. Once discrimination "turns on the light," judgment "points the way." It weighs on side against the other and decides what is best under the circumstances, depending on your past experience and knowledge.
  3. What are self-control and willpower? If discrimination and judgment agree with your natural habits and reactions, there is usually no problem. If, however, they disagree with your reaction pattern, you face a choice as to the side upon which you will place the strength of your will. Willpower is a strength of mind to carry out or finalize on a choice which your judgment dictates at best. Your will is a governing power, the power of decision or choice. Every human possessed of reason has power to choose right. The power are strengthened by use.
Paul, a famous citizen of ancient Rome, gave wonderful advice for keeping the mind in a healthy condition and controlling the thoughts. He said, "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." (Philippians 4:8 King James Version, KJV)

The Voice of Prophecy

Monday, June 8, 2009

Thoughts and Health

The study of the brain from a physical and biological standpoint leaves much we do not understand. Thoughts are powerful. They can change the world for better or for worse. Evil taught cause murder, riots, lawlessness, even war. They change not only the environment of a person, they change the man himself. The wise man, Solomon, wrote "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." (Proverbs 23:7).

You can control to a large extent your mind and the kinds of thoughts on which you dwell. Discipline your mind to think good thoughts. Careless, negative thoughts cause depression, anxiety, and even sickness.

The powerful influence for good or evil thinking is not confined to yourself but is far reaching. Your thoughts create a positive or negative atmosphere around you. They may be full of faith, courage, hope, and love or may produce an atmosphere of gloom, discontent, or selfishness. It is within your power to choose the topics that occupy your thoughts and shape your life.

The Voice of Prophecy

Friday, June 5, 2009

How To Study?

Is this matter related to ways of achieving great health? You may say yes or no. But for me, I consider this matter to be important since it has a link to increase and maintain a healthy body. No matter how old you are or in what stage of life you are now, you are still learning new things. Studying need not be monotonous or boring. In fact, it can be fun. Mental stimulation keeps a person young and receptive to new ideas.

In this post, I would like to share a few suggestions for improving your study habits. Find a quiet place to study or read. Plan a regular time and place for study. A clean uncluttered desk or table is a better place to work than a desk cluttered with extraneous or non-essential materials. Posture is important. Sit upright. Do not recline in an easy chair.

Memory is both an electrical and a chemical reaction. The final deposit of a memory takes about six hours. Therefore, if you are studying for memorization, the best time to study is in the evening. On the other hand, if you are studying mathematical problems and need alertness, the early morning is the best.

Note these principles of memorizing.
  1. Learn your material thoroughly. Do not memorize just by rote, but understand what you are learning so that it will assume a meaningful place in your mind.
  2. Put your material into writing if possible.
  3. Say it out loud. When you say the material aloud, you are not only using your voice, but you are hearing it with your ears. This gives a double impression, reinforcing your nerve stimulation.
  4. Associate your material with various acts and conditions. These relationships or associations may be facts, people, ideas or other things.
  5. Divide the material into manageable parts. If your material is short, it is usually best to learn it as a whole; but if it is long, divide it into parts that you can manage.
  6. space your learning. Break your learning into several sections rather than doing it all at once. Short bursts of intensive study are far more valuable than long periods of lazy study.
  7. Review (revise) frequently. Each time you go through the motions of learning, the impression or groove in the brain pathway will be deeper and more permanent. This is why it is important to study day by day rather than trying to cram in the last minute for an examination.
  8. Finally, continual use of the brain will strengthen it. The more one reads, the more one memorizes, the easier it becomes and the more one remembers.
The Voice of Prophecy

Picture by EdisonBL

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Our Brain Power

For many years, scientists and philosophers have considered the mind, the expression of the brain, as something mysterious, unable to be understood. The body with its parts and functions was easily recognized as a physical organism and studied. But the mind and spirit were something mysterious. We now know that thought is merely the product of a complex series of electro-chemical reactions. The brain, is somewhat like an electric battery generating a current of one-tenth of a volt or about one-twentieth as much as a torch battery.

The brain can store an almost infinite number of bits of information in its memory bank. For about 30 to 60 minutes after being received, this bit of information is "floating around" so to speak in the brain not yet firmly registered. It then enters into a chemical reaction and becomes a part of a brain cell to be used at a future date as a memory.

Is there any such thing as brain or mental fatigue? Our brain is not like our muscles. It is electro-chemical in character and, therefore is capable of running indefinitely. What seems like mental fatigue is often merely boredom, inattention, and the inability to ignore distracting thoughts. The fatigue may also be located in other parts of our body (our eyes or the muscles of our neck and back. This explains why, when we are studying, a brief change helps us to concentrate more because we have relieved the physical fatigue and boredom by running around the block or other activities.

The brain's capacity is almost inexhaustible although the umber of brain cells has not increased during our lifetime. Their ability to absorb and transmit information can be increased. The wisest man whoever lived has in no way used the full capacity of his mind. Generally, people employ about 10% of the capabilities of their brain.

Age must not prevent our learning process. Learning is associated with the ability to create new electric circuits in the brain. As long as that power remains we can continue to acquire new knowledge and skills (even at 80 years of age).

Our mental powers grow with use. There is a fundamental law of nature which says what we don't use, we lose. If we break our arm and it it places in a cast for six weeks, when it is removed the muscles of that arm will be smaller than the other arm which was in continual use. The brain tends to atrophy or shrink with disuse and to become more alert with exercise.

How do we then, exercise our brain? Anything we do with our brain, we exercises it. The more reasoning we do, the easier it is to go to new reasoning. The ability to memorize improves with practice. Try memorizing telephone numbers, people's names, lists of things to do (instead of writing them down).

Every aspect of our personality is stored in our brain. This include our will power, which is also developed and strengthened by practice. Each time we exert our will to drive our self to the completion of an unpleasant task or to break a habit, we make it easier next time to do what we need to do.

The Voice of Prophecy

Friday, May 29, 2009

Your Amazing Brain Functions

The brain functions are illustrated by describing the complicated act of playing piano, when the various networks perform an amazing array of tasks simultaneously. As the pianist plays, his brain controls all of this functions (his heartbeat, the lungs drawing in the air he breathes, the chemistry metabolism of his body and body temperature, as well as his MUSCLE COORDINATION). The muscles of the pianist's hands, arms, feet, legs and body are smoothly coordinated by the lower levels of consciousness in the lower portions of the brain.

At the same time his SENSES ARE INTEGRATED. Messages from the eyes, ears and other receivers lead into the center of the brain, which brings together and coordinates incoming information so that the sound of music combines with the touch of the keys into one experience. THOUGHT AND MEMORY take place in the cerebral cortex, the brain's most elaborate center. This grayish matter is about one centimeter thick and covers the entire brain. In the highest center of thought sensations are registered and voluntary actions are begun. Here decisions are made and the higher thought process occur. Stored memory is in use as the pianist reads a score of music and recalls thousands of memorize notes. EMOTION from the emotional center of the brain is aroused by playing and listening to music. All types of emotion radiate from this center and have a profound effect on the various systems of the body.

Combine with this the external adjustment the brain makes. The pianist kept adjusted to unpredictable events in the outside world (reactions to others listening, as well as preserving his identity in an environment of changes.

The operation of the brain can be divided into three parts. First, it receives input in the form of messages from the sense of organs which include those for sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, position, cold, pressure, and pain. Second, it organizes the input on the basis of past experience, current events, and future plans. This information is placed in the memory bank. Third, it selects and produces an appropriate output or an action or series of actions.

The Voice of Prophecy

Picture by Flickr

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Your Marvellous Computer, The Brain

Scientist have claimed that the greatest invention since the wheel is the transistor. This tiny device can create and amplify electricity which has made possible space exploration, pocket-size radios and computers.
Think of the marvels of the computer. The first electronic computer in 1946 did an addition problem in one-five thousandth of a second. Computers today do the same in micro-seconds or millionths of a second (0.000001). Computers can solve problems in a few seconds that would take men centuries to do.

Complexity of the Brain
Yet these marvels of science were created and designed by the human mind. Our brain has been linked to a computer and to a telephone and communications system, which it is. But it is much more than these.
In actuality this marvelous organ is a soft rubbery mass of tissue weighing about one and a half kilograms and made up of about 70% water. Filled with a rich supply of blood, it requires and uses about 25% of the oxygen in the body, when it at rest.
Its work is incredibly complex. The brain is made up of nerve cells, 12 000 of them. Each cell is alive, uses oxygen and nutrients from the blood and has a particular function to do. These brain cells are connected with each other and with the rest of the body by a system of fibers called nerves. The thread-like fibers of these nerve cells are so small that it would take about 25 000 of them to make a bundle 2.5 centimeters thick. A nerve cell is a living wire which produces and conducts rapid electrical impulses by chemical reaction. It keeps itself "loaded" and ready for action with the aid of a built-in-battery which runs on an oxygen-sugar mixture and recharges automatically. It transmits impulses up to several hundred times a second. The speed of these nerve impulses varies according to the distance they must travel. Speeds vary from one meter a second up to 100 meters a second, or 350 kilometers per hour, relaying intelligence and information to and from the brain.

The Voice of Prophecy

Picture by Flickr

The Advantage of a Vegetarian Diet

You may have noticed that we have not mentioned much about meat. Anyone who really wants to go all out in seeking good health and long life ought to seriously consider the possibility of becoming a vegetarian. Although such an approach to diet is ancient, today vegetarianism is enjoying a new wave of popularity. Many are beginning to see the wisdom of obtaining their nutrition first hand from plant life rather than second hand through the flesh of animals.

You see, plants manufacture food from the elements with the use of the sun's energy. No animal can do this. It is much less expensive and also healthier to go to the source of all goodness, the plant itself. A vegetarian diet without meat provides your body with adequate amounts of nutrition in all respects.

I can hear you say, "Surely you don't expect a hard working man to do a hard day's work on just rice and vegetables and fruit?" Why not? The ox, the horse and elephant perform astounding feats of strength and they eat nothing but plant food. True, the tiger eat meat, but it is only great on short bursts of energy, not sustained power for work.

Our body was constructed to digest and use a diet consisting of food from the plant kingdom. We do not have long, sharp teeth like a tiger, cat or dog that are used to tear meat. Our teeth are more for grinding food. Although a meat diet may furnish the element of nutrition, our body has to use more energy to digest and metabolize meat products.

The real test of strength is endurance. In the past, a Swedish scientist tested nine trained athletes on a stationary bicycle apparatus. Their assignment was to pump the bicycle until their leg muscles were no longer able to respond. For 3 days he fed the men their normal mixed diet consisting of vegetables, fruit, meat, and grains. The men worked for 114 minutes before the were exhausted.
Then for 3 days these same athletes were given a high fat and protein diet consisting of meat, fish and eggs. the athletes had to quit from exhaustion after 57 minutes of exercise.
Then these same men were given a 3 day diet that was strictly vegetarian, consisting of grains, nuts, vegetables and fruit. This time they were able to hold out and exercise for 167 minutes, nearly 3 times as long as when they ate a diet consisting largely of meat.
Surveys have shown that vegetarians generally have less trouble with high blood pressure; lower cholesterol and, therefore, less possibility of coronary heart disease. They have also less trouble with constipation.

The eating meat is a question of taste rather than necessity for health. Try gradually eating less meat each day or each week. If you feel you must eat meat, limit it to fish and chicken which are particularly low in fats and cholesterol. But best of all, substitute the protein foods suggested in the previous posts. You will save money and increase your body's vitality by eating the original perfect diet God planned for you. Won't you choose today to enjoy this bountiful variety of whole grains, nuts, fruits, and vegetables that the Creator has so abundantly provided?

The Voice of Prophecy

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Sour Side of Sugar

If you look carefully, sweets and desserts are not in included in the three basic foods. Why? Because most of us from the time we were children have developed an excessive taste for sweets. Sugar is a habit forming food. The more we eat of it, the more we want. Concentrated sweets, such as ice cream, cakes, cookies, or sweet biscuits, soft drinks and candy, contain large amount of empty calories because of the high amount of sugar they contain.

Too much sugar in the system reduces the ability of the body to combat infection by lessening the activity of the white cells, the body's defense mechanism. Your dentist will tell you that excessive sugar in the diet and between meal sweets are the most important factor in producing tooth decay. As soon as the bloodstream transport the sugar to the small tubules of the teeth, free circulation of the fluid stops. The sugar clogs the system from the inside. At the same time bacteria within the mouth continue their destructive work on the sugared teeth. Under this two-fold attack the tooth soon give way, because the body's ability to fight decay has been impaired by the intake of sugar.

But, you say "I don't heap sugar on my food". Maybe not. But do you know that much of the sugar you eat is well hidden. One bottle of soft drink, for example, contains from 6 to 11 teaspoonful of sugar. One scoop of ice cream contains 4 teaspoon of sugar. One piece of cake contains up to 8 teaspoon of sugar. Sweetened condensed milk, jellies, jams, and candy contain excessive amount of sugar.

If you or your children spend money on these sweet foods every day, you will soon be spending more for dentist and doctor bills. No, it is not necessary to ban all sugar, but eat those types of food that contain a lot of sugar sparingly.

The Voice of Prophecy

Picture by Flickr

Swine Flu in Japan

The Prime Minister of Japan, Taro Aso yesterday asked the people to calm down as a sequence of the 283 cases of Swine Flu reported to be detected in the country, including the first case in Tokyo, with another two cases confirmed in Osaka and Hyogo.

Train officers and passengers with those around Tokyo were urged to wear mask for protection.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Swine Flu in Brief

As a mean of caution due to well known contagious disease, I released this presentation after receiving it from my friend, Ronie 28, from the Adventist Online. This is a valuable information. Please have a minute to look at this presentation.

*Click the pictures to enlarge.

Numbers of Death Increased to 75 in Mexico

The numbers of death by the Influenza A (H1N1) in Mexico is increasing after one more death, making 75 deaths yesterday.
The total of them that infected by the virus is increasing to 3, 817 people as for yesterday, 150 person were confirmed to be infected.
One statement of the Health Ministry was this; "In the last Tuesday, we have 3, 892 cases that were confirmed.
The President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon, stated that the country was in a difficult situation in facing the H1N1.

Protein Foods

Legumes, that is, soy beans, peanuts, lentils, dhal, and other beans, tofu, nuts, and eggs supply important amounts of protein, minerals and some of the Vitamin B. A variety each day is necessary to supply all of the essential amino acids, or the building blocks for each cell in the body.

Soy Bean

Two servings each day of this group is recommended. In addition, milk or satisfactory alternates such as soy bean milk, will provide important amounts of calcium, phosphorus, protein and vitamin B2. Three to four cups of milk or soy milk for children and teenagers, and two cups for adults, is the recommended for daily requirement.

The Voice of Prophecy

Picture by Flickr

Breads and Cereals

Besides being a low cost energy food, whole grain products are an important source of the vitamins, iron, phosphorus and protein. Choosing a variety of whole grains such as unrefined rice, oats, and wheat not only adds interest to meals, but improves the nutrition. These are classified as "energy" foods. Four or more serving (half cup per serving) of whole grain foods such as mentioned above are recommended each day.
When the wheat or rice has been refined to produce white flour or white polished rice, at least 19 different foods nutrients are removed or destroyed. Even when you use enriched flour, you are only getting about 6 of these nutrients replaced in the flour. Compare the amount of Thiamine (Vitamin B1) and iron in white flour and white rice with that in whole wheat flour and brown rice.

Click the picture to enlarge

Even weevils (small bugs) are smarter than most people. Just ask the market man which bag of rice has the most weevils or bugs, the white polished rice or the brown rice (unrefined rice). If the weevil has a choice, it will gladly choose to eat the nutritious brown rice first, for it seems to sense there is more real food value for it in the brown rice. The same is true for white flour and whole wheat flour. If we would only educate our taste buds to enjoy the wholesome flavor of brown rice and whole wheat bread instead of white rice and white bread, what a difference it would make in our health and vigor.

The Voice of Prophecy

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fruits and Vegetables

Practically, all fruits and vegetables have a generous mineral and vitamin content that classifies them among the "protective" foods. The energy they provide comes mainly from carbohydrates. They also contain a good quality of protein. A common deficiency in many diets is a lack of green leafy vegetables and deep yellow ones, which result in vitamin A deficiency. Look carefully in the market and notice the large variety of vegetables and fruits. Do not be content to eat just one or two types only. Two or more servings of each (fruits and vegetables) everyday is recommended.
The necessary quota of vitamin C can be obtained in one piece of citrus fruit daily. Seasonal fruits such as papayas will also supply this essential vitamin. Cabbage and tomatoes are a very good source of this important vitamin.
When cooking, use as small an amount of water or oil as possible to minimize the loss of essential minerals and water soluble vitamins. To reduce the loss, cook vegetables without peeling them, or cook them in large pieces. Minimize the time of cooking. Save the vegetable juices! The liquid in which vegetables are cooked contains valuable minerals and vitamins, so use it in soups, sauces, or gravies.

The Voice of Prophecy

Picture by Flickr

Basic Foods

All the essentials of good nutrition, that is, carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals will freely provided if the following basic three food groups are taken in adequate amounts each day.
  1. Fruits and Vegetables
  2. Breads and Cereals
  3. Protein Foods
Two cups of each of the three basic foods above, of a total of six cups of food daily.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Choose Your Food Carefully

The very fact that God made so many varieties of delicious food and gave us the wonderful organs of taste and smell, proves that He intended for us to enjoy eating, and yet a primary cause of sickness in the world today is an improper diet. So much depends upon the right choice of food. A person surrounded by plenty of available food may still be poorly nourished by choosing the wrong kind of food.
The human body is delicate machine capable of operating smoothly for 70 to 80 years, if only we treat it well. However, if we fail to supply it with the essentials for growth, function and repair, the results will be disastrous.
Every time you open your mouth for food, you make an important decision concerning your future. every ounce of food tends either strengthen or to weaken your body, and therefore helps you or hinders you in meeting the stresses and strains of life.
But how do you know that you are getting the right kind of food? How do you know how to choose? Many books have been written on science and nutrition, yet there are two simple rules which make it very easy for you to have a balanced diet.
  1. Eat enough food, but not too much. That is, enough to maintain an ideal body weight.
  2. Choose a wide variety of wholesome, unrefined foods.
The first rule is quite simple to follow if we think about it. You all know how it feels to have enough in your stomach and you also know how it feels to have too much in your stomach. You have a comfortable and satisfied feeling when you have enough. You also have a very uncomfortable feeling when you have had too much. Besides your stomach being affected and actually damaged, you dull your brain and put an extra burden on other organs when you overeat. the basic cause of being overweight is really just eating too much. Seldom is it psychological or glandular problem. Ordinarily, the only glands that don't function properly when a person is overweight are the salivary glands. If one inherits anything which contribute to his obesity, it is probably a way of eating too much, and eating foods that have an excess of sugar and fat. If you have a problem of being overweight, avoid sweets as much as possible, and cut down on fats, fried foods, and refined cereals and breads. Do not allow yourself to ever indulge between-meal snacks.
The second rule is quite simple. There is no single pattern for meal planning which must be followed in order to insure good health. A good diet can be made up in many ways. Practical guides, however, have been developed which can give you the assurance that your meals contain all of the nutrients needed for good health.

The Voice of Prophecy

Picture by spaqi from Flickr.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Malaysia, the 36th Country to be Affected by Swine Flu

As for this Thursday (May 14, 2009), a 21-year-old student was hospitalized at Sungai Buloh Hospital for fever, sore throat, and body aches after returned from the United States on Wednesday morning. A test has confirmed that he was infected with the influenza A(H1N1) virus. The student now is in stable condition and receiving the anti-viral treatment.

This case then have made Malaysia to become the 36th country to be affected by the virus.
I hope his family members will be quarantined on the purpose of following the procedure and to confirmed whether or not they have the contagious virus.

Good Eating for Good Health - Good Appetite

What better sight can greet the eyes of a hungry person than well prepared food! Unquestionably, a healthy appetite is one of the great assets of our life. Our whole body will responds to the sight and aroma of good food. The glands work more vigorously, the digestive organs operate more efficiently, and the nerve relax. That is why eating is such a pleasure (that is for those who are healthy). When someones comes to the dinner table and says, "I am not hungry" the first thing you ask is "What's the matter? Do you feel sick?" A good appetite is part of good health.

The Voice of Prophecy

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Swine Flu in Malaysia

Since I am a Malaysian, I have read the news about the swine flu and how contagious it is through direct contact or airborne with an infected person. Recently, the Hospital of Kuching (which also recognized as Sarawak General Hospital) in Sarawak, Malaysia, received a 31-year-old man that claimed on having a fever, sore throat, cough and shortness of breath. He was just returned from United States on May 1 after spending at least 1 week there. My friend, Rano, who work in the hospital said that the man body temperature reached 40 and above when checked by the doctors.

Later from the sources that I read regarding the thread about the man, he was confirmed of having no swine flu since the virus in him is a normal flu virus. The Health Ministry deputy director general Dr Ramlee Rahmat said to the reporters and confirmed that the man was in stable condition and his temperature has gone down and his x-ray is clear.

The case was the third in Malaysia since the other two cases were in Penang and Selangor and they tested negative for the Influenza A (H1N1). The two patients there was still monitored closely. The case in Kuching, Sawarak have then alert the State Health Department to place the quarantined order in Sarawak.

Malaysia is still free from the Influenza A (H1N1) for the time being. I really hope that all airports in Malaysia can maintain their job to avoid any passengers that we know not whether the person have the contagious virus or not.

The picture was taken from the New Straits Times (

Fibre and Food Supplement

Fibre occupies an important place in good nutrition. Previously it was thought that fibre and roughage were only necessary to insure adequate bowel function. We know that because of the highly refined and processed foods which are so often eaten on today's world, that there is a sad neglect of fibre in the diet. This lack is related to many of the diseases of the intestinal tract and even to coronary heart disease. Fibres are found in the covering of the kernel of grain whether it be rice, oats or wheat, and are also found in vegetables and fruits.

Good nutrition cannot be bought in a bottle, pill or capsule. Neither extra vitamins, extra proteins, or other much advertised dietary supplements can take the place of simple good food. They do not add any advantage in energy or building tissue. Such supplements usually contain their nutrients in quantity unrelated to the body requirements and they cause imbalance. The smallest amount of food that will serve to keep the body in the state of high efficiency is physiologically the most economical and hence the best adapted for the needs of the body. Any excess over and above what is really needed is not only economical, but may be injurious.

The Voice of Prophecy

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Good Diet

Good nutrition requires intake of sufficient foods suited to the needs of the individual. How do you know then that you are getting the type of food that the body needs? No one food contains all the elements in the exact amount the body needs. This means that you should eat a variety of foods each day.

There are six general classes of nutrients found in foods which perform the function that's necessary to keep the body growing and healthy.
  1. Carbohydrates - Nearly two-thirds of a day's calories should come from carbohydrates, since they furnish most of the energy necessary for the body each day. Good sources of carbohydrates are fruits and vegetables, cereal grains, such as rice, oats and wheat. The carbohydrates of fruits are mainly in the form of sugar and are ready for quick absorption.
  2. Fats - Fats are our most concentrated form of energy. Essential for good nutrition, they also are necessary for the absorption of certain vitamins. Because they are such a concentrated source of energy, excessive fat taken in is usually stored. Therefore it should be eaten sparingly. Cooking oil, margarine and butter and fatty meats are examples of fat. Vegetable oil for cooking and margarine are low in saturated fat, so they are more desirable than animal fats.
  3. Proteins - Proteins are building blocks for maintaining and repairing body cells. Animals food contain large proportions of proteins and also large amounts of saturated fat. Legumes, such as soy beans, peanuts and different types of beans are high quality of protein. In fact vegetable sources, mainly cereal grains, provide about seventy percent of the world's protein supply.
  4. Vitamins - Vitamins are minute chemical substances which help to regulate the body processes. You will get adequate vitamins if you eat a variety of fruits and vegetable each day.
  5. Minerals - Minerals are also nutrients used in regulating many of the body's processes. Iron in food is necessary for good blood; calcium and phosphorus for strong bones.
  6. Water - Water is classified as an essential nutrient since it is the medium in which all of the chemical activity of the body takes place. It does serve as a regulating substance.
The Voice of Propercy

Free HIV after Stem Cell Transplant

This is amazing! He used to be a HIV patient. But now, he is free from HIV!
This amazing fact goes to a 42-year-old HIV patient with leukemia according to a report published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Thanks to God because the stem cell transplant works for this man.

Plant-Based Diet

Vegetarian diet is a well known diet across the globe. It is a diet of plant-based foods. A person who considered themselves a vegetarian eat only plant-based foods.

I am a vegetarian. For my type, I eat eggs (I am not a vegan). I started practicing this diet back in July 2008. Now, it is almost 7 months being a vegetarian. The experience of being a vegetarian is very challenging for me. People will always ask me why-based-question regarding my diet. Nevertheless, I can answer all the questions given unto me.

I would like to suggest readers to become a vegetarian. This is only a suggestion. Readers have their rights to become a vegetarian or not.

However, being a vegetarian will give you a lot of benefit, now and in the future. You may say that it is not enough in terms of nutrient (one can get all the nutrient by being a vegetarian), even so, I am the proof you have. I have the experience of being a vegetarian.

Believe me or not, i never feel so good before I become a vegetarian.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Exercise... Is it important?

Some people may say that there is no need for you to exercise your body. Some people may say yes it's good for your body...

Whatever they says, the answer is always yes. Exercise is good for our body. Not only we can become fit, it can also make us healthy.

To be honest, our body cannot maintain in its state. Ones cannot always strong, always can perform the best physically.

The principle is "It's up or down"... If you use it, you will have it, if you abandon it you will lose it. Our health is also depends on exercise as a building block for our body. The structure of our muscles, bones, and skin, tells us that our body is a "machine" in which it must always well used and maintained to achieve healthy body.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

125 Reasons Why Sugar Is Harmful !

In addition to throwing off the body's homeostasis, excess sugar may result in a number of other significant consequences. The following is a listing of some of sugar's metabolic consequences from a variety of medical journals and other scientific publications. The following data is from the book, Lick the Sugar Habit, by Nancy Appleton.

1 Sugar can suppress the immune system

2 Sugar upsets the mineral relationships in the body

3 Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children

4 Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides

5 Sugar contributes to the reduction of defense against bacterial infection (infectious diseases)

6 Sugar causes a loss of tissue elasticity and function; the more sugar you eat the more elasticity and function you loose

7 Sugar reduces high density lipoproteins

8 Sugar leads to chromium deficiency

9 Sugar leads to cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostrate, and rectum

10 Sugar can increase fasting levels of glucose

11 Sugar causes copper deficiency

12 Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium

13 Sugar can weaken eyesight

14 Sugar raises the level of neurotransmitters: dopamine. serotonin, and nor-epinephrine

15 Sugar can cause hypoglycemia

16 Sugar can produce an acidic digestive tract

17 Sugar can cause a rapid rise of adrenaline levels in children

18 Sugar malabsorption is frequent in patients with functional bowel disease

19 Sugar can cause premature aging

20 Sugar can lead to alcoholism

21 Sugar can cause tooth decay

22 Sugar contributes to obesity

23 High intake of sugar increases the risk of Crohn s disease and ulcerative colitis

24 Sugar can cause changes frequently found in a person with gastric or duodenal ulcers

25 Sugar can cause arthritis

26 Sugar can cause asthma

27 Sugar greatly assists the uncontrolled growth of Candida Albicans (yeast infections)

28 Sugar can cause gallstones

29 Sugar can cause heart disease

30 Sugar can cause appendicitis

31 Sugar can cause multiple sclerosis

32 Sugar can cause hemorrhoids

33 Sugar can cause varicose veins

34 Sugar can elevate glucose and insulin responses in oral contraceptive users

35 Sugar can lead to periodontal disease

36 Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis

37 Sugar contributes to saliva acidity

38 Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity

39 Sugar can lower the amount of vitamin E in the blood

40 Sugar can decrease growth hormone 41 Sugar can increase cholesterol

42 Sugar can increase the systolic blood pressure

43 Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children

44 High sugar intake increases advanced glycation end products (AGEs)(Sugar bound non-enzymatically to protein)

45 Sugar can interfere with the absorption of protein

46 Sugar causes food allergies

47 Sugar can contribute to diabetes

48 Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy

49 Sugar can contribute to eczema in children

50 Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease

51 Sugar can impair the structure of DNA

52 Sugar can change the structure of protein

53 Sugar can make our skin age by changing the structure of collagen

54 Sugar can cause cataracts

55 Sugar can cause emphysema

56 Sugar can cause atherosclerosis

57 Sugar can promote an elevation of low density lipoproteins (LDL)

58 High sugar intake can impair the physiological homeostasis of many systems in the body

59 Sugar lowers the enzymes' ability to function

60 Sugar intake is higher in people with Parkinsons disease

61 Sugar can cause a permanent altering of the way the proteins act in the body

62 Sugar can increase the size of the liver, by making the liver cells divide

63 Sugar can increase the amount of liver fat

64 Sugar can increase kidney size and produce pathological changes in the kidney

65 Sugar can damage the pancreas

66 Sugar can increase the body's fluid retention

67 Sugar is enemy # 1 of the bowel movement

68 Sugar can cause myopia (nearsightedness)

69 Sugar can compromise the lining of the capillaries

70 Sugar can make the tendons more brittle

71 Sugar can cause headaches, including migraine

72 Sugar plays a role in pancreatic cancer in women

73 Sugar can adversely affect school children's grades and cause learning disorders

74 Sugar can cause an increase in delta, alpha, and theta brain waves

75 Sugar can cause depression

76 Sugar increases the risk of gastric cancer

77 Sugar can cause dyspepsia (indigestion)

78 Sugar can increase your risk of getting gout

79 Sugar can increase the levels of glucose in an oral glucose tolerance test over the ingestion of complex carbohydrates

80 Sugar can increase the insulin responses in humans consuming high-sugar diets compared to low-sugar diets

81 Highly refined sugar diet reduces learning capacity

82 Sugar can cause less effective functioning of two blood proteins, albumin, and lipoproteins, which may reduce the body's ability to handle fat and cholesterol

83 Sugar can contribute to Alzheimer's disease

84 Sugar can cause platelet adhesiveness 85 Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance; some hormones become underactive and others become overactive

86 Sugar can lead to the formation of kidney stones

87 Sugar can lead the hypothalamus to become highly sensitive to a large variety of stimuli

89 Sugar can lead to dizziness

90 Diets high in sugar can cause free radicals and oxidative stress

91 High sucrose diets of subjects with peripheral vascular disease significantly increases platelet adhesion

92 High sugar diet can lead to biliary tract cancer

93 Sugar feeds cancer

94 High sugar consumption of pregnant adolescents is associated with a twofold increased risk for delivering a small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infant

95 High sugar consumption can lead to substantial decrease in gestation duration among adolescents

96 Sugar slows food's travel time through the gastrointestinal tract

97 Sugar increases the concentration of bile acids in stools and bacterial enzymes in the colon

98 Sugar increases estradiol (the most potent form of naturally occurring estrogen) in men

99 Sugar combines and destroys phosphatase, an enzyme, which makes the process of digestion more difficult

100 Sugar can be a risk factor of gallbladder cancer

101 Sugar is an addictive substance

102 Sugar can be intoxicating, similar to alcohol

103 Sugar can exacerbate PMS

104 Sugar given to premature babies can affect the amount of carbon dioxide they produce

105 Increase in sugar intake can increase emotional instability

106 The body changes sugar into 2 to 5 times more fat in the bloodstream than it does starch

107 The rapid absorption of sugar promotes excessive food Intake in obese subjects

108 Sugar can worsen the symptoms of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

109 Sugar adversely affects urinary electrolyte composition

110 Sugar can slow down the ability of the adrenal glands to function

111 Sugar has the potential of inducing abnormal metabolic processes in a normal healthy individual and to promote chronic degenerative diseases

112 I.Vs (intravenous feedings) of sugar water can cut off oxygen to the brain

113 High sucrose intake could be an important risk factor in lung cancer

114 Sugar increases the risk of polio

115 High sugar intake can cause epileptic seizures

116 Sugar causes high blood pressure in obese people

117 In Intensive Care Units: Limiting sugar saves lives

118 Sugar may induce cell death

119 Sugar may impair the physiological homeostasis of many systems in living organisms

120 In juvenile rehabilitation camps, when children were put on a low sugar diet, there was a 44% drop in antisocial behavior

121 Sugar can cause gastric cancer

122 Sugar dehydrates newborns

123 Sugar can cause gum disease

124 Sugar increases the estradiol in young men

125 Sugar can cause low birth weight babies

Retrieved from and originally posted by ladyeve

Friday, April 24, 2009

Why do we chose to be vegetarian?

Why do some people nowadays become a vegetarian? Well, here is some factors that I think the causes that makes them to become one.

1. It is good for our body.
2. It is something related to our own religion.
3. It is good for the animals.
4. It saves our money.
5. It decreases our chances to get diseases.
6. It makes us healthy.
7. It saves our time in preparing food.

8 Simple Ways to Achieve Health!

Human are exposed to diseases nowadays. Millions of people died everyday because of diseases. The crucial idea is, if only they are healthy, they will not have died easily. I believe readers want to be healthy and strong. Here are 8 simple ways to achieve health naturally.
  1. Eat what best for your body. The more natural your foods are, the more you will get benefit from them. Be variety in choosing what to eat so you can get enough nutrients for your body to keep running. Avoid overeating.
  2. Go down to the pedestrians and do some brisk walk or jog. Exercise 30 minutes a day will improve your blood circulation and eliminate some dirty toxic from your body. Avoid extreme sport to avoid injuries.
  3. Drink a lot of water today. For instant, 70% of our body consists of water molecules. Lack in water will results in dehydration.
  4. Get exposed to the sunlight. Do not be afraid of the sunshine. It triggers your cells to produce energy.
  5. Do not surfeiting. Be moderate in everything you do.
  6. Take a deep breath of fresh air everyday.
  7. Sleep right. As the saying goes, "early to bed, early to rise; makes a man healthy and wise". Do not skip your sleep time.
  8. Trust in God. Depends totally on Him because He is the source of health. Practice love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. Believe in Him as a source of Health.
These methods are totally reliable. However, readers must practice it in their daily life to achieve maximum health. Try it today!