Thursday, June 4, 2009

Our Brain Power

For many years, scientists and philosophers have considered the mind, the expression of the brain, as something mysterious, unable to be understood. The body with its parts and functions was easily recognized as a physical organism and studied. But the mind and spirit were something mysterious. We now know that thought is merely the product of a complex series of electro-chemical reactions. The brain, is somewhat like an electric battery generating a current of one-tenth of a volt or about one-twentieth as much as a torch battery.

The brain can store an almost infinite number of bits of information in its memory bank. For about 30 to 60 minutes after being received, this bit of information is "floating around" so to speak in the brain not yet firmly registered. It then enters into a chemical reaction and becomes a part of a brain cell to be used at a future date as a memory.

Is there any such thing as brain or mental fatigue? Our brain is not like our muscles. It is electro-chemical in character and, therefore is capable of running indefinitely. What seems like mental fatigue is often merely boredom, inattention, and the inability to ignore distracting thoughts. The fatigue may also be located in other parts of our body (our eyes or the muscles of our neck and back. This explains why, when we are studying, a brief change helps us to concentrate more because we have relieved the physical fatigue and boredom by running around the block or other activities.

The brain's capacity is almost inexhaustible although the umber of brain cells has not increased during our lifetime. Their ability to absorb and transmit information can be increased. The wisest man whoever lived has in no way used the full capacity of his mind. Generally, people employ about 10% of the capabilities of their brain.

Age must not prevent our learning process. Learning is associated with the ability to create new electric circuits in the brain. As long as that power remains we can continue to acquire new knowledge and skills (even at 80 years of age).

Our mental powers grow with use. There is a fundamental law of nature which says what we don't use, we lose. If we break our arm and it it places in a cast for six weeks, when it is removed the muscles of that arm will be smaller than the other arm which was in continual use. The brain tends to atrophy or shrink with disuse and to become more alert with exercise.

How do we then, exercise our brain? Anything we do with our brain, we exercises it. The more reasoning we do, the easier it is to go to new reasoning. The ability to memorize improves with practice. Try memorizing telephone numbers, people's names, lists of things to do (instead of writing them down).

Every aspect of our personality is stored in our brain. This include our will power, which is also developed and strengthened by practice. Each time we exert our will to drive our self to the completion of an unpleasant task or to break a habit, we make it easier next time to do what we need to do.

The Voice of Prophecy

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