Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fruits and Vegetables

Practically, all fruits and vegetables have a generous mineral and vitamin content that classifies them among the "protective" foods. The energy they provide comes mainly from carbohydrates. They also contain a good quality of protein. A common deficiency in many diets is a lack of green leafy vegetables and deep yellow ones, which result in vitamin A deficiency. Look carefully in the market and notice the large variety of vegetables and fruits. Do not be content to eat just one or two types only. Two or more servings of each (fruits and vegetables) everyday is recommended.
The necessary quota of vitamin C can be obtained in one piece of citrus fruit daily. Seasonal fruits such as papayas will also supply this essential vitamin. Cabbage and tomatoes are a very good source of this important vitamin.
When cooking, use as small an amount of water or oil as possible to minimize the loss of essential minerals and water soluble vitamins. To reduce the loss, cook vegetables without peeling them, or cook them in large pieces. Minimize the time of cooking. Save the vegetable juices! The liquid in which vegetables are cooked contains valuable minerals and vitamins, so use it in soups, sauces, or gravies.

The Voice of Prophecy

Picture by Flickr

1 comment:

  1. Hello Boyon :-)

    I cannot respond to you through Adventist Online, as I have been banned under suspicious circumstances.

    I am however on Adventist Hall, if you wish to speak,

    God bless, Mark T
