Friday, May 29, 2009

Your Amazing Brain Functions

The brain functions are illustrated by describing the complicated act of playing piano, when the various networks perform an amazing array of tasks simultaneously. As the pianist plays, his brain controls all of this functions (his heartbeat, the lungs drawing in the air he breathes, the chemistry metabolism of his body and body temperature, as well as his MUSCLE COORDINATION). The muscles of the pianist's hands, arms, feet, legs and body are smoothly coordinated by the lower levels of consciousness in the lower portions of the brain.

At the same time his SENSES ARE INTEGRATED. Messages from the eyes, ears and other receivers lead into the center of the brain, which brings together and coordinates incoming information so that the sound of music combines with the touch of the keys into one experience. THOUGHT AND MEMORY take place in the cerebral cortex, the brain's most elaborate center. This grayish matter is about one centimeter thick and covers the entire brain. In the highest center of thought sensations are registered and voluntary actions are begun. Here decisions are made and the higher thought process occur. Stored memory is in use as the pianist reads a score of music and recalls thousands of memorize notes. EMOTION from the emotional center of the brain is aroused by playing and listening to music. All types of emotion radiate from this center and have a profound effect on the various systems of the body.

Combine with this the external adjustment the brain makes. The pianist kept adjusted to unpredictable events in the outside world (reactions to others listening, as well as preserving his identity in an environment of changes.

The operation of the brain can be divided into three parts. First, it receives input in the form of messages from the sense of organs which include those for sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, position, cold, pressure, and pain. Second, it organizes the input on the basis of past experience, current events, and future plans. This information is placed in the memory bank. Third, it selects and produces an appropriate output or an action or series of actions.

The Voice of Prophecy

Picture by Flickr

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Your Marvellous Computer, The Brain

Scientist have claimed that the greatest invention since the wheel is the transistor. This tiny device can create and amplify electricity which has made possible space exploration, pocket-size radios and computers.
Think of the marvels of the computer. The first electronic computer in 1946 did an addition problem in one-five thousandth of a second. Computers today do the same in micro-seconds or millionths of a second (0.000001). Computers can solve problems in a few seconds that would take men centuries to do.

Complexity of the Brain
Yet these marvels of science were created and designed by the human mind. Our brain has been linked to a computer and to a telephone and communications system, which it is. But it is much more than these.
In actuality this marvelous organ is a soft rubbery mass of tissue weighing about one and a half kilograms and made up of about 70% water. Filled with a rich supply of blood, it requires and uses about 25% of the oxygen in the body, when it at rest.
Its work is incredibly complex. The brain is made up of nerve cells, 12 000 of them. Each cell is alive, uses oxygen and nutrients from the blood and has a particular function to do. These brain cells are connected with each other and with the rest of the body by a system of fibers called nerves. The thread-like fibers of these nerve cells are so small that it would take about 25 000 of them to make a bundle 2.5 centimeters thick. A nerve cell is a living wire which produces and conducts rapid electrical impulses by chemical reaction. It keeps itself "loaded" and ready for action with the aid of a built-in-battery which runs on an oxygen-sugar mixture and recharges automatically. It transmits impulses up to several hundred times a second. The speed of these nerve impulses varies according to the distance they must travel. Speeds vary from one meter a second up to 100 meters a second, or 350 kilometers per hour, relaying intelligence and information to and from the brain.

The Voice of Prophecy

Picture by Flickr

The Advantage of a Vegetarian Diet

You may have noticed that we have not mentioned much about meat. Anyone who really wants to go all out in seeking good health and long life ought to seriously consider the possibility of becoming a vegetarian. Although such an approach to diet is ancient, today vegetarianism is enjoying a new wave of popularity. Many are beginning to see the wisdom of obtaining their nutrition first hand from plant life rather than second hand through the flesh of animals.

You see, plants manufacture food from the elements with the use of the sun's energy. No animal can do this. It is much less expensive and also healthier to go to the source of all goodness, the plant itself. A vegetarian diet without meat provides your body with adequate amounts of nutrition in all respects.

I can hear you say, "Surely you don't expect a hard working man to do a hard day's work on just rice and vegetables and fruit?" Why not? The ox, the horse and elephant perform astounding feats of strength and they eat nothing but plant food. True, the tiger eat meat, but it is only great on short bursts of energy, not sustained power for work.

Our body was constructed to digest and use a diet consisting of food from the plant kingdom. We do not have long, sharp teeth like a tiger, cat or dog that are used to tear meat. Our teeth are more for grinding food. Although a meat diet may furnish the element of nutrition, our body has to use more energy to digest and metabolize meat products.

The real test of strength is endurance. In the past, a Swedish scientist tested nine trained athletes on a stationary bicycle apparatus. Their assignment was to pump the bicycle until their leg muscles were no longer able to respond. For 3 days he fed the men their normal mixed diet consisting of vegetables, fruit, meat, and grains. The men worked for 114 minutes before the were exhausted.
Then for 3 days these same athletes were given a high fat and protein diet consisting of meat, fish and eggs. the athletes had to quit from exhaustion after 57 minutes of exercise.
Then these same men were given a 3 day diet that was strictly vegetarian, consisting of grains, nuts, vegetables and fruit. This time they were able to hold out and exercise for 167 minutes, nearly 3 times as long as when they ate a diet consisting largely of meat.
Surveys have shown that vegetarians generally have less trouble with high blood pressure; lower cholesterol and, therefore, less possibility of coronary heart disease. They have also less trouble with constipation.

The eating meat is a question of taste rather than necessity for health. Try gradually eating less meat each day or each week. If you feel you must eat meat, limit it to fish and chicken which are particularly low in fats and cholesterol. But best of all, substitute the protein foods suggested in the previous posts. You will save money and increase your body's vitality by eating the original perfect diet God planned for you. Won't you choose today to enjoy this bountiful variety of whole grains, nuts, fruits, and vegetables that the Creator has so abundantly provided?

The Voice of Prophecy

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Sour Side of Sugar

If you look carefully, sweets and desserts are not in included in the three basic foods. Why? Because most of us from the time we were children have developed an excessive taste for sweets. Sugar is a habit forming food. The more we eat of it, the more we want. Concentrated sweets, such as ice cream, cakes, cookies, or sweet biscuits, soft drinks and candy, contain large amount of empty calories because of the high amount of sugar they contain.

Too much sugar in the system reduces the ability of the body to combat infection by lessening the activity of the white cells, the body's defense mechanism. Your dentist will tell you that excessive sugar in the diet and between meal sweets are the most important factor in producing tooth decay. As soon as the bloodstream transport the sugar to the small tubules of the teeth, free circulation of the fluid stops. The sugar clogs the system from the inside. At the same time bacteria within the mouth continue their destructive work on the sugared teeth. Under this two-fold attack the tooth soon give way, because the body's ability to fight decay has been impaired by the intake of sugar.

But, you say "I don't heap sugar on my food". Maybe not. But do you know that much of the sugar you eat is well hidden. One bottle of soft drink, for example, contains from 6 to 11 teaspoonful of sugar. One scoop of ice cream contains 4 teaspoon of sugar. One piece of cake contains up to 8 teaspoon of sugar. Sweetened condensed milk, jellies, jams, and candy contain excessive amount of sugar.

If you or your children spend money on these sweet foods every day, you will soon be spending more for dentist and doctor bills. No, it is not necessary to ban all sugar, but eat those types of food that contain a lot of sugar sparingly.

The Voice of Prophecy

Picture by Flickr

Swine Flu in Japan

The Prime Minister of Japan, Taro Aso yesterday asked the people to calm down as a sequence of the 283 cases of Swine Flu reported to be detected in the country, including the first case in Tokyo, with another two cases confirmed in Osaka and Hyogo.

Train officers and passengers with those around Tokyo were urged to wear mask for protection.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Swine Flu in Brief

As a mean of caution due to well known contagious disease, I released this presentation after receiving it from my friend, Ronie 28, from the Adventist Online. This is a valuable information. Please have a minute to look at this presentation.

*Click the pictures to enlarge.

Numbers of Death Increased to 75 in Mexico

The numbers of death by the Influenza A (H1N1) in Mexico is increasing after one more death, making 75 deaths yesterday.
The total of them that infected by the virus is increasing to 3, 817 people as for yesterday, 150 person were confirmed to be infected.
One statement of the Health Ministry was this; "In the last Tuesday, we have 3, 892 cases that were confirmed.
The President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon, stated that the country was in a difficult situation in facing the H1N1.

Protein Foods

Legumes, that is, soy beans, peanuts, lentils, dhal, and other beans, tofu, nuts, and eggs supply important amounts of protein, minerals and some of the Vitamin B. A variety each day is necessary to supply all of the essential amino acids, or the building blocks for each cell in the body.

Soy Bean

Two servings each day of this group is recommended. In addition, milk or satisfactory alternates such as soy bean milk, will provide important amounts of calcium, phosphorus, protein and vitamin B2. Three to four cups of milk or soy milk for children and teenagers, and two cups for adults, is the recommended for daily requirement.

The Voice of Prophecy

Picture by Flickr

Breads and Cereals

Besides being a low cost energy food, whole grain products are an important source of the vitamins, iron, phosphorus and protein. Choosing a variety of whole grains such as unrefined rice, oats, and wheat not only adds interest to meals, but improves the nutrition. These are classified as "energy" foods. Four or more serving (half cup per serving) of whole grain foods such as mentioned above are recommended each day.
When the wheat or rice has been refined to produce white flour or white polished rice, at least 19 different foods nutrients are removed or destroyed. Even when you use enriched flour, you are only getting about 6 of these nutrients replaced in the flour. Compare the amount of Thiamine (Vitamin B1) and iron in white flour and white rice with that in whole wheat flour and brown rice.

Click the picture to enlarge

Even weevils (small bugs) are smarter than most people. Just ask the market man which bag of rice has the most weevils or bugs, the white polished rice or the brown rice (unrefined rice). If the weevil has a choice, it will gladly choose to eat the nutritious brown rice first, for it seems to sense there is more real food value for it in the brown rice. The same is true for white flour and whole wheat flour. If we would only educate our taste buds to enjoy the wholesome flavor of brown rice and whole wheat bread instead of white rice and white bread, what a difference it would make in our health and vigor.

The Voice of Prophecy

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fruits and Vegetables

Practically, all fruits and vegetables have a generous mineral and vitamin content that classifies them among the "protective" foods. The energy they provide comes mainly from carbohydrates. They also contain a good quality of protein. A common deficiency in many diets is a lack of green leafy vegetables and deep yellow ones, which result in vitamin A deficiency. Look carefully in the market and notice the large variety of vegetables and fruits. Do not be content to eat just one or two types only. Two or more servings of each (fruits and vegetables) everyday is recommended.
The necessary quota of vitamin C can be obtained in one piece of citrus fruit daily. Seasonal fruits such as papayas will also supply this essential vitamin. Cabbage and tomatoes are a very good source of this important vitamin.
When cooking, use as small an amount of water or oil as possible to minimize the loss of essential minerals and water soluble vitamins. To reduce the loss, cook vegetables without peeling them, or cook them in large pieces. Minimize the time of cooking. Save the vegetable juices! The liquid in which vegetables are cooked contains valuable minerals and vitamins, so use it in soups, sauces, or gravies.

The Voice of Prophecy

Picture by Flickr

Basic Foods

All the essentials of good nutrition, that is, carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals will freely provided if the following basic three food groups are taken in adequate amounts each day.
  1. Fruits and Vegetables
  2. Breads and Cereals
  3. Protein Foods
Two cups of each of the three basic foods above, of a total of six cups of food daily.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Choose Your Food Carefully

The very fact that God made so many varieties of delicious food and gave us the wonderful organs of taste and smell, proves that He intended for us to enjoy eating, and yet a primary cause of sickness in the world today is an improper diet. So much depends upon the right choice of food. A person surrounded by plenty of available food may still be poorly nourished by choosing the wrong kind of food.
The human body is delicate machine capable of operating smoothly for 70 to 80 years, if only we treat it well. However, if we fail to supply it with the essentials for growth, function and repair, the results will be disastrous.
Every time you open your mouth for food, you make an important decision concerning your future. every ounce of food tends either strengthen or to weaken your body, and therefore helps you or hinders you in meeting the stresses and strains of life.
But how do you know that you are getting the right kind of food? How do you know how to choose? Many books have been written on science and nutrition, yet there are two simple rules which make it very easy for you to have a balanced diet.
  1. Eat enough food, but not too much. That is, enough to maintain an ideal body weight.
  2. Choose a wide variety of wholesome, unrefined foods.
The first rule is quite simple to follow if we think about it. You all know how it feels to have enough in your stomach and you also know how it feels to have too much in your stomach. You have a comfortable and satisfied feeling when you have enough. You also have a very uncomfortable feeling when you have had too much. Besides your stomach being affected and actually damaged, you dull your brain and put an extra burden on other organs when you overeat. the basic cause of being overweight is really just eating too much. Seldom is it psychological or glandular problem. Ordinarily, the only glands that don't function properly when a person is overweight are the salivary glands. If one inherits anything which contribute to his obesity, it is probably a way of eating too much, and eating foods that have an excess of sugar and fat. If you have a problem of being overweight, avoid sweets as much as possible, and cut down on fats, fried foods, and refined cereals and breads. Do not allow yourself to ever indulge between-meal snacks.
The second rule is quite simple. There is no single pattern for meal planning which must be followed in order to insure good health. A good diet can be made up in many ways. Practical guides, however, have been developed which can give you the assurance that your meals contain all of the nutrients needed for good health.

The Voice of Prophecy

Picture by spaqi from Flickr.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Malaysia, the 36th Country to be Affected by Swine Flu

As for this Thursday (May 14, 2009), a 21-year-old student was hospitalized at Sungai Buloh Hospital for fever, sore throat, and body aches after returned from the United States on Wednesday morning. A test has confirmed that he was infected with the influenza A(H1N1) virus. The student now is in stable condition and receiving the anti-viral treatment.

This case then have made Malaysia to become the 36th country to be affected by the virus.
I hope his family members will be quarantined on the purpose of following the procedure and to confirmed whether or not they have the contagious virus.

Good Eating for Good Health - Good Appetite

What better sight can greet the eyes of a hungry person than well prepared food! Unquestionably, a healthy appetite is one of the great assets of our life. Our whole body will responds to the sight and aroma of good food. The glands work more vigorously, the digestive organs operate more efficiently, and the nerve relax. That is why eating is such a pleasure (that is for those who are healthy). When someones comes to the dinner table and says, "I am not hungry" the first thing you ask is "What's the matter? Do you feel sick?" A good appetite is part of good health.

The Voice of Prophecy

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Swine Flu in Malaysia

Since I am a Malaysian, I have read the news about the swine flu and how contagious it is through direct contact or airborne with an infected person. Recently, the Hospital of Kuching (which also recognized as Sarawak General Hospital) in Sarawak, Malaysia, received a 31-year-old man that claimed on having a fever, sore throat, cough and shortness of breath. He was just returned from United States on May 1 after spending at least 1 week there. My friend, Rano, who work in the hospital said that the man body temperature reached 40 and above when checked by the doctors.

Later from the sources that I read regarding the thread about the man, he was confirmed of having no swine flu since the virus in him is a normal flu virus. The Health Ministry deputy director general Dr Ramlee Rahmat said to the reporters and confirmed that the man was in stable condition and his temperature has gone down and his x-ray is clear.

The case was the third in Malaysia since the other two cases were in Penang and Selangor and they tested negative for the Influenza A (H1N1). The two patients there was still monitored closely. The case in Kuching, Sawarak have then alert the State Health Department to place the quarantined order in Sarawak.

Malaysia is still free from the Influenza A (H1N1) for the time being. I really hope that all airports in Malaysia can maintain their job to avoid any passengers that we know not whether the person have the contagious virus or not.

The picture was taken from the New Straits Times (

Fibre and Food Supplement

Fibre occupies an important place in good nutrition. Previously it was thought that fibre and roughage were only necessary to insure adequate bowel function. We know that because of the highly refined and processed foods which are so often eaten on today's world, that there is a sad neglect of fibre in the diet. This lack is related to many of the diseases of the intestinal tract and even to coronary heart disease. Fibres are found in the covering of the kernel of grain whether it be rice, oats or wheat, and are also found in vegetables and fruits.

Good nutrition cannot be bought in a bottle, pill or capsule. Neither extra vitamins, extra proteins, or other much advertised dietary supplements can take the place of simple good food. They do not add any advantage in energy or building tissue. Such supplements usually contain their nutrients in quantity unrelated to the body requirements and they cause imbalance. The smallest amount of food that will serve to keep the body in the state of high efficiency is physiologically the most economical and hence the best adapted for the needs of the body. Any excess over and above what is really needed is not only economical, but may be injurious.

The Voice of Prophecy

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Good Diet

Good nutrition requires intake of sufficient foods suited to the needs of the individual. How do you know then that you are getting the type of food that the body needs? No one food contains all the elements in the exact amount the body needs. This means that you should eat a variety of foods each day.

There are six general classes of nutrients found in foods which perform the function that's necessary to keep the body growing and healthy.
  1. Carbohydrates - Nearly two-thirds of a day's calories should come from carbohydrates, since they furnish most of the energy necessary for the body each day. Good sources of carbohydrates are fruits and vegetables, cereal grains, such as rice, oats and wheat. The carbohydrates of fruits are mainly in the form of sugar and are ready for quick absorption.
  2. Fats - Fats are our most concentrated form of energy. Essential for good nutrition, they also are necessary for the absorption of certain vitamins. Because they are such a concentrated source of energy, excessive fat taken in is usually stored. Therefore it should be eaten sparingly. Cooking oil, margarine and butter and fatty meats are examples of fat. Vegetable oil for cooking and margarine are low in saturated fat, so they are more desirable than animal fats.
  3. Proteins - Proteins are building blocks for maintaining and repairing body cells. Animals food contain large proportions of proteins and also large amounts of saturated fat. Legumes, such as soy beans, peanuts and different types of beans are high quality of protein. In fact vegetable sources, mainly cereal grains, provide about seventy percent of the world's protein supply.
  4. Vitamins - Vitamins are minute chemical substances which help to regulate the body processes. You will get adequate vitamins if you eat a variety of fruits and vegetable each day.
  5. Minerals - Minerals are also nutrients used in regulating many of the body's processes. Iron in food is necessary for good blood; calcium and phosphorus for strong bones.
  6. Water - Water is classified as an essential nutrient since it is the medium in which all of the chemical activity of the body takes place. It does serve as a regulating substance.
The Voice of Propercy

Free HIV after Stem Cell Transplant

This is amazing! He used to be a HIV patient. But now, he is free from HIV!
This amazing fact goes to a 42-year-old HIV patient with leukemia according to a report published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Thanks to God because the stem cell transplant works for this man.

Plant-Based Diet

Vegetarian diet is a well known diet across the globe. It is a diet of plant-based foods. A person who considered themselves a vegetarian eat only plant-based foods.

I am a vegetarian. For my type, I eat eggs (I am not a vegan). I started practicing this diet back in July 2008. Now, it is almost 7 months being a vegetarian. The experience of being a vegetarian is very challenging for me. People will always ask me why-based-question regarding my diet. Nevertheless, I can answer all the questions given unto me.

I would like to suggest readers to become a vegetarian. This is only a suggestion. Readers have their rights to become a vegetarian or not.

However, being a vegetarian will give you a lot of benefit, now and in the future. You may say that it is not enough in terms of nutrient (one can get all the nutrient by being a vegetarian), even so, I am the proof you have. I have the experience of being a vegetarian.

Believe me or not, i never feel so good before I become a vegetarian.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Exercise... Is it important?

Some people may say that there is no need for you to exercise your body. Some people may say yes it's good for your body...

Whatever they says, the answer is always yes. Exercise is good for our body. Not only we can become fit, it can also make us healthy.

To be honest, our body cannot maintain in its state. Ones cannot always strong, always can perform the best physically.

The principle is "It's up or down"... If you use it, you will have it, if you abandon it you will lose it. Our health is also depends on exercise as a building block for our body. The structure of our muscles, bones, and skin, tells us that our body is a "machine" in which it must always well used and maintained to achieve healthy body.