Friday, June 5, 2009

How To Study?

Is this matter related to ways of achieving great health? You may say yes or no. But for me, I consider this matter to be important since it has a link to increase and maintain a healthy body. No matter how old you are or in what stage of life you are now, you are still learning new things. Studying need not be monotonous or boring. In fact, it can be fun. Mental stimulation keeps a person young and receptive to new ideas.

In this post, I would like to share a few suggestions for improving your study habits. Find a quiet place to study or read. Plan a regular time and place for study. A clean uncluttered desk or table is a better place to work than a desk cluttered with extraneous or non-essential materials. Posture is important. Sit upright. Do not recline in an easy chair.

Memory is both an electrical and a chemical reaction. The final deposit of a memory takes about six hours. Therefore, if you are studying for memorization, the best time to study is in the evening. On the other hand, if you are studying mathematical problems and need alertness, the early morning is the best.

Note these principles of memorizing.
  1. Learn your material thoroughly. Do not memorize just by rote, but understand what you are learning so that it will assume a meaningful place in your mind.
  2. Put your material into writing if possible.
  3. Say it out loud. When you say the material aloud, you are not only using your voice, but you are hearing it with your ears. This gives a double impression, reinforcing your nerve stimulation.
  4. Associate your material with various acts and conditions. These relationships or associations may be facts, people, ideas or other things.
  5. Divide the material into manageable parts. If your material is short, it is usually best to learn it as a whole; but if it is long, divide it into parts that you can manage.
  6. space your learning. Break your learning into several sections rather than doing it all at once. Short bursts of intensive study are far more valuable than long periods of lazy study.
  7. Review (revise) frequently. Each time you go through the motions of learning, the impression or groove in the brain pathway will be deeper and more permanent. This is why it is important to study day by day rather than trying to cram in the last minute for an examination.
  8. Finally, continual use of the brain will strengthen it. The more one reads, the more one memorizes, the easier it becomes and the more one remembers.
The Voice of Prophecy

Picture by EdisonBL

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