- For exercise to be effective, it must be regular - at least 4 to 5 times a week.
- Enjoy your exercise. Do something you look forward to as regular way of life.
- Your exercise period needs to be long enough and hard enough to tax your body somewhat. Breathlessness and pounding of the heart are natural reactions to exercise, but should return to normal within a few minutes after you have finished the activity. Exercise of the right intensity should not interfere with your sleep or leave you unduly stiff or lame the next day.
- Always begin a new form of exercise, like squash or running, slowly and increase gradually. This applies particularly to those above the age of forty, or those who have not been accustomed to regular exercise before.
- To minimize muscular aches and pains, a 5 minutes warm up is recommended prior to exercise. During this period stretching exercises, walking, or forward bends are encouraged. Also allow a cooling down by walking or light exercise for 3 minutes after the strenuous exercise.
- Allow at least 2 hours after eating before a strenuous exercise programme. However, light exercise after eating is desirable.
- Take advantage of daily opportunities for additional exercise. Walk instead of drive. take the stairs instead of the elevator or lift. Practice bending, stooping, pushing and pulling as you go through each day. Make a conscious effort to remain active all day.
- Calisthenics (systematic body exercises) such as deep knee bends, sit-ups and push-ups do not strengthen the heart, but they are important for flexibility and muscle strength.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
8 Simple Rules In Exercising
These are 8 simple rules in exercising. Feel free to read this post.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
How To Exercise?
Everyone needs proper and adequate exercise. Even if you are a housewife, doing your household chores does not give you enough of the right kind of exercise. Schoold children may not get enough. Office workers, teachers, clerks, and factory workers certainly do not get enough. What type of exercise programme will increase your endurance, your strength, and your oxygen supply to your body? You should choose exercise which will do just these things.
The best form of exercise depends upon your age, sex, physical condition and preferences. It should be something you enjoy doing, that fits easily into your daily schedule, and that is vigorous enough to give you the tonic effect you need.
Walking is the simplest type of exercise and the best all around prescription for healthful living. It is free, requiring no equipment, suitable for all ages, it can be done at your own convenience, either alone or with a companion. The walking we are talking about is brisk walking, using fast, long steps. Sauntering, window shopping, slow walking - these, though may be tiring, do not bring the stride into action. Only brisk walking will produce the desired effect. In the evening, a brisk walk is more helpful than a tranquilizer for a good night's sleep.
Jogging (running and walking alternately) has recently become popular. If you aspire to jog or run, first learn to walk. You may enjoy tennis, volleyball, swimming, hiking, skating, badminton, and gardening. More strenuous activities may be indulged in by those who are in fit condition, such as basketball, soccer, and squash.
The Voice of Prophecy
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
How Close Are You To A Heart Attack?
An epidemic of heart disease (also known as myocardial infarction) is sweeping the world today. In many countries it is killing more people than any other single disease. This epidemic is related to habits of living or life style rather than due to bacteria or a virus.
A heart attack occurs when tiny blood vessels or arteries which feed the heart muscle itself become so narrowed that there is an inadequate supply of oxygen, fuel and energy to the heart muscle. When one of these small arteries becomes completely blocked off, that portion of the heart muscle dies. This is a heart attack. If this same process takes place in the brain and a small portion of the brain is deprived of its oxygen, the person suffers a "stroke", and usually paralysis of one side of the body.
A heart attack may result in immediate death, but most persons with a heart attack have a second chance. With proper care they may lead quite normal lives.
The narrowing of the arteries and loss of elasticity or flexibility of the arterial wall is caused by the process known as atherosclerosis. This is produced by the deposition of an excessive amount of a waxy substance, and cholesterol in the walls of the arteries. The process of atherosclerosis often begins in young people in their late teens and early twenties. Therefore heart attacks are becoming common among younger adults.
What factors or conditions increase heart attack? The three major factors are;
1. High blood cholesterol,
2. High blood pressure, and
3. Cigarette-smoking.
Other controllable factors causing heart attack are excessive emotional stress and strain, overweight, and inactivity or lacking in exercise. As you can see, most of these factors can be controlled or prevented by maintaining good health habits and avoiding harmful habits.
The Voice of Prophecy
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Important Health Tips
These are some important health tips I got through short text messages (SMS) from some of my friends which I like to share it with you. Take a look at them.
1. Answer the phone on your left ear.
2. Do not take medicine with cold water.
3. Do not have huge meals after 5pm.
4. Drink more water in the morning, less at night.
5. Best sleeping time is from 10pm to 4am.
6. Do not lie down immediately after taking medicine.
7. When battery is down to the last bar, do not answer the phone, as the radiation is 1000 times.
Please forward these important health tips to the people you care about.
Your kindness, cost nothing.
1. Answer the phone on your left ear.
2. Do not take medicine with cold water.
3. Do not have huge meals after 5pm.
4. Drink more water in the morning, less at night.
5. Best sleeping time is from 10pm to 4am.
6. Do not lie down immediately after taking medicine.
7. When battery is down to the last bar, do not answer the phone, as the radiation is 1000 times.
Please forward these important health tips to the people you care about.
Your kindness, cost nothing.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Exercise And Your Heart
One of the most important effects of exercise on your body is its stimulating effect on your heart and circulation. An active muscle may have 20 times the amount of blood passing through the newly opened blood vessels as an inactive muscle. When you exercise the large muscle of your body, such as in walking or running, your heart, being a muscle, also exercises by speeding up its beat. When you walk, about 30% of the circulation of your blood is carried on by your leg muscles, and the remaining 70% by the heart.
Your heart is truly a miracle muscle. It is a hollow, four-chambered ball the size of your fist, arranged in circular and spiral layers of muscles. When these contract, your blood is literally squeezed out of its chambers into your arteries, which branch out like the roots of a tree to carry blood to every living cell of the body.
To get an idea of how much your heart works, clench your fist and open it again and again 72 times a minute. Your hand tires very quickly, but your heart does this 100 000 times a day, or 40 million times a year. The sturdiest muscle in your body, it pumps 8 000 liters of blood every day through 100 000 kilometers of blood vessels.
Your heart will take good care of you all of your life. It is the first organ of your body to lose efficiency if you let it rest too much. If you are a sedentary person, your heart beats 70 to 80 times a minute at rest, and pumps about 90 c.c. of blood into your circulation with each beat. This meets your needs at rest, but it does not provide much safety margin. If you run for a bus, or up a flight of stairs, there is an immediate need for your heart to pump more blood to the working muscles. If you are not used to exercise, a sudden demand may prove too great for your heart.
In what way does properly regulated exercise strengthen your heart muscle and slow its resting beat? When you exercise strenuously, you increase your need for blood to the muscles by as much as 20 times. This makes the heart also beat faster and the heart muscle becomes more efficient, enlarges and gives stronger contractions. The resting heartbeat of a fit person is only 60 a minute. This means that it needs to pump only 60 times a minute as compared to 70 or 80 times in an unfit person to get the same amount of blood around the body in the same time. This saves about 25 000 beats a day. If your heart is in good exercised condition, it can double or triple its output when necessary without strain, and then slow its speed quickly to normal after hard work. An athlete who is in excellent condition may have a pulse rate of only 40 beats per minute!
Exercise increases the efficiency of your lungs, conditioning them to process more air with less effort. If you are a sedentary person, habitually "at rest", much of your lung surface is little used and a large proportion of your air cells are collapsed. Exercise makes you breathe faster and deeper, bringing oxygen for your tissues. This strengthens and protects your organs against disease.
Moreover, it also increases the number and size of your blood vessels, as well as your total blood volume. Thus the physically fit person has a better chance to recover from a serious operation or even from a heart attack.
The Voice of Prophecy
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
What Exercise Does For You
If you are physically fit, you will be able to withstand fatigue for longer periods; you will be better equipped to tolerate physical stress; you will have a stronger and more efficient heart. There is a relationship between good mental alertness, absence of physical tension, and physical fitness.
Exercise aids digestion. It increases the efficiency of your lungs, conditioning them to process more air with less effort. Exercise strengthens your muscles and bones, relaxes your nerves and increases your body's resistance to disease. It beautifies your complexion and skin. It even strengthens you mind.
Would you like to slow down you aging process, and restore you zest for life and youthful activity? Exercise may change your whole outlook on life. You will learn to relax, develop a better image of yourself, and tolerate the stress of daily living. You will sleep better, and get more work done with less fatigue.
The Voice of Prophecy
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Exercise Pays Off
Hello guys, how are you today? ... That's good... Okay, let's continue. You were made to be active. before you were born, your mother knew you were alive when she felt you move. You were born kicking, stretching, and moving.
During your early life as a child and youth, the desire to exercise came naturally. But something happens to you as you grow older. Your activity slows down; you do not seem to find time to exercise. With all our modern inventions, the only indication of life some people show is when they get up from the chair to flick on the television or computer.
Your ancestors who lived long ago in a rural environment had enough exercise in each day's activities. Men labored at their work and when they went somewhere, they walked. Except for infections, they were healthier then we are today.
While modern inventions (cars, buses, trains, taxis, lifts, elevator, etc.) have brought convenience, less work and speed, they have contributed to the neglect of the use of your muscles.
Even recreation has changed. Are you among the thousands who sit watching soccer games getting emotionally excited over the play of 22 young athletes on a distant field?
We cannot all become laborers again, so we must compromise. We must fit into our lives a program of adequate muscle use. We cannot remain healthy and neglect taking regular, systematic daily exercise.
The Voice of Prophecy
Your ancestors who lived long ago in a rural environment had enough exercise in each day's activities. Men labored at their work and when they went somewhere, they walked. Except for infections, they were healthier then we are today.
While modern inventions (cars, buses, trains, taxis, lifts, elevator, etc.) have brought convenience, less work and speed, they have contributed to the neglect of the use of your muscles.
Even recreation has changed. Are you among the thousands who sit watching soccer games getting emotionally excited over the play of 22 young athletes on a distant field?
We cannot all become laborers again, so we must compromise. We must fit into our lives a program of adequate muscle use. We cannot remain healthy and neglect taking regular, systematic daily exercise.
The Voice of Prophecy
You Can Have Good Health
Your body is a magnificent piece of machinery. If you want to enjoy better health, you can. The prescription is not complicated, nor it is expensive. However, it is essential.
Good health means planning your day a little more carefully. It means selecting your meals a little more thoughtfully. It means taking time to study and understand the laws of health. Good health is the reward for good habits. Right thinking, right eating, and right living all require self-control. You have to choose them to make them part of your life.
Why not begin this changes today? As you enjoy these posts, you will find ways to help you combat stress and tension, to give your body a chance to serve you through a long happy life. As you put into practice what you have learn, you, too can be physically well and fit, mentally alert, socially concerned, and spiritually committed.
The Voice of Prophecy
Sunday, March 8, 2009
The Fourth Dimension of Health
If we have a sense of well-being physically, mentally and socially, is this all there is to life and health? Regardless of your concept of God or of a supreme being outside yourself, you will agree that there is a spiritual nature of man. If we were to consider only the physical, mental, or social dimension of health, we would be leaving out an important part of better living. A healthy spiritual condition gives us peace of mind, freedom from guilt.
We cannot go to a doctor and ask for a prescription for fear, hatred, or worry. But there is a remedy, and that remedy is found when a man discovers his Creator. God wants you to have health and happiness, and He gives a power beyond yourself which enables you to make right choices and follow these decisions with action.
The Voice of Prophecy
Caring for the "Whole" Man
Your brain is much more highly developed than that of animals. You have the ability to use your mind to think, make decisions, and practice self-control. Simply stated this means that your body runs by a set of rules built in by its Designer. Observing the laws of health is not a question of sacrifice, it is just a good, common sense route to feeling better and living longer. The rules of health say, "That which strengthens and builds up health and happiness is right. That which weakens and destroys life and health is wrong."
Your minds and the body are very closely related. You are what you think. Fear, worry, anger, depression all interfere with good health, and may even produce disease. Likewise, happiness, pleasure in a job well done, and enjoyment react together to help your body function as it should.
But body and mind do not make up the total of your life experiences. You are in contact with people. Your social life would not be complete without your family, your friends, your relatives, and neighbors. Man was not meant to live alone. We were meant to share our experiences of life with others-to be concerned about our neighbor. We are all of one blood on this planet earth. Our feelings toward others are important to our own well being.
The Voice of Prophecy
Water, Water, Water...
Hey guys, do you drink water only when you feel thirsty? Thirst is not always an accurate indication of when water is needed by your body. Adequate intake of water is necessary for good health. Did you know that about 60% of your body is water? Your muscles are 75% water, and even your bones are 20% water. Every one of your 100 trillion cells required fluid. Temperature control, removal of wastes, carrying of oxygen to cells, healing, and many other body functions require a daily supply of water. Next to air, water is the most abundant and essential substance in the world for life.
The body has a remarkable recycling process for its water. Your kidneys have a great deal to do with water regulation. Although the weigh only 100 grams, they process all of the five to six liters of blood in your body every 1 and a half hours. A million tiny filters in the kidneys remove the waste from the blood circulating through them. In a 24-hour period the kidney filters 180 liters of water from the blood, but 99% of this water is reabsorbed back into the system, so that we only produce about 1 and a half liters of urine a day normally. Insufficient water puts a strain on the kidneys. The wastes become concentrated, and constipation, backache, and headache may result.
When working hard physically or exercising vigorously, you should drink water frequently during the activity. If you merely drink when you are thirsty, or drink the water you desire, you will only drink one-third to one-half of the water that is being lost. So this should be replaced by forced drinking if necessary. One of the main reasons Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay succeeded in climbing Mount Everest was that they forced themselves to drink 12 glasses of water a day, while other teams that failed, because of numbing exhaustion, drank only two glasses of water a day.
The body loses about ten glasses of water every day. the equivalent of four glasses are taken into our bodies as food each day. This leaves a deficit of six glasses that has to be made up daily to balance the output. Thus we should all drink at least six glasses of water a day, and eight would be better. Drink two glasses when you rise in the morning, two more in the mid-morning, and two in mid-afternoon. The best time to drink water is at least 15 minutes before a meal, or two hours after a meal. Avoid drinking anything with your meals for it diminishes the flow of saliva, dilutes the stomach acids, and slow digestion.
Here in the tropics almost everyone bathes daily. You know the glowing feeling you receive from regular bathing. Whether for internal or external use, water is one of your most priceless possessions.
The Voice of Prophecy
When working hard physically or exercising vigorously, you should drink water frequently during the activity. If you merely drink when you are thirsty, or drink the water you desire, you will only drink one-third to one-half of the water that is being lost. So this should be replaced by forced drinking if necessary. One of the main reasons Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay succeeded in climbing Mount Everest was that they forced themselves to drink 12 glasses of water a day, while other teams that failed, because of numbing exhaustion, drank only two glasses of water a day.
The body loses about ten glasses of water every day. the equivalent of four glasses are taken into our bodies as food each day. This leaves a deficit of six glasses that has to be made up daily to balance the output. Thus we should all drink at least six glasses of water a day, and eight would be better. Drink two glasses when you rise in the morning, two more in the mid-morning, and two in mid-afternoon. The best time to drink water is at least 15 minutes before a meal, or two hours after a meal. Avoid drinking anything with your meals for it diminishes the flow of saliva, dilutes the stomach acids, and slow digestion.
Here in the tropics almost everyone bathes daily. You know the glowing feeling you receive from regular bathing. Whether for internal or external use, water is one of your most priceless possessions.
The Voice of Prophecy
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Cause of Disease
I can almost hear you say, "If my body is so beautifully designed, then why do I have a toothache on Monday, a dizzy spell on Wednesday, and a headache on Friday? Why am I so often tired? What's wrong?"
Maybe your faulty habits have caused over production on one hand, or a deficiency on the other. Your problem may be physiological, such as night without much sleep. It may be emotional if you live with fear, anger, or worry. It may be pathological, if you were exposed to disease germs. Any one or combination of causes may overwhelm your body defenses and result in sickness.
The amount of stress you can stand without having your body functions thrown out of balance is an index of your health. The stress may be climbing ten flights of stairs, or warding off a cold. When a "flu" epidemic sweeps the country, many people get sick, but others who equally exposed, do not. Those who do not get sick have a stronger resistance. In other words, their support systems are in good working order and their defenses are strong.
Many years ago disease was considered a curse of God or of the devil. About 100 years ago germs were discovered to produce illness. Accumulating evidence indicates that environmental factors today are also involved in the cause of disease. Relatively recently the way one lives, or his life style, has been shown to greatly influence the state of wellness or illness.
Health is concerned with your total environment-both your internal environment and your external environment-all of you. That relationship determines whether you will be sick or well. To have every functional unit working effectively, adequately supported and appropriately guided, requires a way of life where complete harmony exists between your physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual environments within and around your entire person. Disharmony will result in a breakdown somewhere along the line and produce illness sooner or later. The factors which make up this lifestyle are so simple that most of us overlook them. Let's consider one of these physical factors for enjoying good health.
The Voice of Prophecy
The amount of stress you can stand without having your body functions thrown out of balance is an index of your health. The stress may be climbing ten flights of stairs, or warding off a cold. When a "flu" epidemic sweeps the country, many people get sick, but others who equally exposed, do not. Those who do not get sick have a stronger resistance. In other words, their support systems are in good working order and their defenses are strong.
Many years ago disease was considered a curse of God or of the devil. About 100 years ago germs were discovered to produce illness. Accumulating evidence indicates that environmental factors today are also involved in the cause of disease. Relatively recently the way one lives, or his life style, has been shown to greatly influence the state of wellness or illness.
Health is concerned with your total environment-both your internal environment and your external environment-all of you. That relationship determines whether you will be sick or well. To have every functional unit working effectively, adequately supported and appropriately guided, requires a way of life where complete harmony exists between your physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual environments within and around your entire person. Disharmony will result in a breakdown somewhere along the line and produce illness sooner or later. The factors which make up this lifestyle are so simple that most of us overlook them. Let's consider one of these physical factors for enjoying good health.
The Voice of Prophecy
Friday, March 6, 2009
How Your Body Functions
You are a living organism made up of thousands of millions of cells. Every activity, no matter how small, is the end product of complex bio-chemical reactions started and carried out by enzyme systems.An enzyme is a chemical which starts or promotes another chemical reaction. A single cell may have several thousand enzymes, which are similar to minute chemical factories, carrying out the life processes. Each enzyme has its work to do to bring about a specific chemical reaction necessary to life. Each step of this series of reaction must be correct if the end is to contribute to the health of the whole.
We might compare our body and its functions to a motor car factory with its main assembly line and many tributaries. One tributary brings the car body into place, and another the engine, the fuel pump, or wheels. All are different, and yet all are essential for the beautiful smooth-running motor car that glides off the end of the line.
If, however, there is a fault in the assembly line, the car will be defective. If a wheel is left off or the fuel pump is not functioning properly, it will be less than a perfect car.
Workmen watch these assembly lines to prevent any irregularities, and to keep each operation moving at the right speed. Each product must arrive at the right place at the right time, andin the right amount.
Your body, too, must coordinate its functions. To maintain the smooth running of your health assembly line requires that no part be permitted to rust out through disuse or idleness, or be worn out through excessive demands. Every functional unit requires support and guidance (your brain and your nervous system), provision of materials (your food), and opportunity for maintenance and repair (rest and exercise). Therefore, another reasonable definition of health might be, "Health is every functional unit working efficiently, adequately supported and appropriately guided."
The Voice of Prophercy
We might compare our body and its functions to a motor car factory with its main assembly line and many tributaries. One tributary brings the car body into place, and another the engine, the fuel pump, or wheels. All are different, and yet all are essential for the beautiful smooth-running motor car that glides off the end of the line.
If, however, there is a fault in the assembly line, the car will be defective. If a wheel is left off or the fuel pump is not functioning properly, it will be less than a perfect car.
Workmen watch these assembly lines to prevent any irregularities, and to keep each operation moving at the right speed. Each product must arrive at the right place at the right time, andin the right amount.
Your body, too, must coordinate its functions. To maintain the smooth running of your health assembly line requires that no part be permitted to rust out through disuse or idleness, or be worn out through excessive demands. Every functional unit requires support and guidance (your brain and your nervous system), provision of materials (your food), and opportunity for maintenance and repair (rest and exercise). Therefore, another reasonable definition of health might be, "Health is every functional unit working efficiently, adequately supported and appropriately guided."
The Voice of Prophercy
Sunday, March 1, 2009
What Is Health?
Health is consider mostly as wealth for mankind. The World Health Organization defines health as a "state of complete physical, mental and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." In past few years, medical scientists and leaders of many countries also recognize that the fourth dimension of have a better health is the spiritual aspect.
Are you living life to the fullest? Maybe you don't even know what you are missing. Most of us feel that if we don't need to see the doctor, then we must be in good health. However, health is not only the absence of disease. Good health enables you to do what is necessary efficiently and quickly, with enough reserve and energy left to do many of the extra, enjoyable activities in life, such as futsal game, badminton, or a slow jog with a friend.
But, you ask, why do I feel so dragged out, only half alive? Is my body so poorly designed that it can't cope with the rigors of life? No, your body is designed to function smoothly, to keep you feeling comfortable, if you will cooperate with it.
Health does not happen by chance. It is not a gift, but a reward for good health habits. A long and happy life results from good planned living, designed in harmony with principles which not only prevent illness, but also provide the right conditions for recovery from disease.
Next post will guide you toward this higher level of happier living.
The Voice of Prophecy
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