Sunday, April 26, 2009

125 Reasons Why Sugar Is Harmful !

In addition to throwing off the body's homeostasis, excess sugar may result in a number of other significant consequences. The following is a listing of some of sugar's metabolic consequences from a variety of medical journals and other scientific publications. The following data is from the book, Lick the Sugar Habit, by Nancy Appleton.

1 Sugar can suppress the immune system

2 Sugar upsets the mineral relationships in the body

3 Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children

4 Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides

5 Sugar contributes to the reduction of defense against bacterial infection (infectious diseases)

6 Sugar causes a loss of tissue elasticity and function; the more sugar you eat the more elasticity and function you loose

7 Sugar reduces high density lipoproteins

8 Sugar leads to chromium deficiency

9 Sugar leads to cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostrate, and rectum

10 Sugar can increase fasting levels of glucose

11 Sugar causes copper deficiency

12 Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium

13 Sugar can weaken eyesight

14 Sugar raises the level of neurotransmitters: dopamine. serotonin, and nor-epinephrine

15 Sugar can cause hypoglycemia

16 Sugar can produce an acidic digestive tract

17 Sugar can cause a rapid rise of adrenaline levels in children

18 Sugar malabsorption is frequent in patients with functional bowel disease

19 Sugar can cause premature aging

20 Sugar can lead to alcoholism

21 Sugar can cause tooth decay

22 Sugar contributes to obesity

23 High intake of sugar increases the risk of Crohn s disease and ulcerative colitis

24 Sugar can cause changes frequently found in a person with gastric or duodenal ulcers

25 Sugar can cause arthritis

26 Sugar can cause asthma

27 Sugar greatly assists the uncontrolled growth of Candida Albicans (yeast infections)

28 Sugar can cause gallstones

29 Sugar can cause heart disease

30 Sugar can cause appendicitis

31 Sugar can cause multiple sclerosis

32 Sugar can cause hemorrhoids

33 Sugar can cause varicose veins

34 Sugar can elevate glucose and insulin responses in oral contraceptive users

35 Sugar can lead to periodontal disease

36 Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis

37 Sugar contributes to saliva acidity

38 Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity

39 Sugar can lower the amount of vitamin E in the blood

40 Sugar can decrease growth hormone 41 Sugar can increase cholesterol

42 Sugar can increase the systolic blood pressure

43 Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children

44 High sugar intake increases advanced glycation end products (AGEs)(Sugar bound non-enzymatically to protein)

45 Sugar can interfere with the absorption of protein

46 Sugar causes food allergies

47 Sugar can contribute to diabetes

48 Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy

49 Sugar can contribute to eczema in children

50 Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease

51 Sugar can impair the structure of DNA

52 Sugar can change the structure of protein

53 Sugar can make our skin age by changing the structure of collagen

54 Sugar can cause cataracts

55 Sugar can cause emphysema

56 Sugar can cause atherosclerosis

57 Sugar can promote an elevation of low density lipoproteins (LDL)

58 High sugar intake can impair the physiological homeostasis of many systems in the body

59 Sugar lowers the enzymes' ability to function

60 Sugar intake is higher in people with Parkinsons disease

61 Sugar can cause a permanent altering of the way the proteins act in the body

62 Sugar can increase the size of the liver, by making the liver cells divide

63 Sugar can increase the amount of liver fat

64 Sugar can increase kidney size and produce pathological changes in the kidney

65 Sugar can damage the pancreas

66 Sugar can increase the body's fluid retention

67 Sugar is enemy # 1 of the bowel movement

68 Sugar can cause myopia (nearsightedness)

69 Sugar can compromise the lining of the capillaries

70 Sugar can make the tendons more brittle

71 Sugar can cause headaches, including migraine

72 Sugar plays a role in pancreatic cancer in women

73 Sugar can adversely affect school children's grades and cause learning disorders

74 Sugar can cause an increase in delta, alpha, and theta brain waves

75 Sugar can cause depression

76 Sugar increases the risk of gastric cancer

77 Sugar can cause dyspepsia (indigestion)

78 Sugar can increase your risk of getting gout

79 Sugar can increase the levels of glucose in an oral glucose tolerance test over the ingestion of complex carbohydrates

80 Sugar can increase the insulin responses in humans consuming high-sugar diets compared to low-sugar diets

81 Highly refined sugar diet reduces learning capacity

82 Sugar can cause less effective functioning of two blood proteins, albumin, and lipoproteins, which may reduce the body's ability to handle fat and cholesterol

83 Sugar can contribute to Alzheimer's disease

84 Sugar can cause platelet adhesiveness 85 Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance; some hormones become underactive and others become overactive

86 Sugar can lead to the formation of kidney stones

87 Sugar can lead the hypothalamus to become highly sensitive to a large variety of stimuli

89 Sugar can lead to dizziness

90 Diets high in sugar can cause free radicals and oxidative stress

91 High sucrose diets of subjects with peripheral vascular disease significantly increases platelet adhesion

92 High sugar diet can lead to biliary tract cancer

93 Sugar feeds cancer

94 High sugar consumption of pregnant adolescents is associated with a twofold increased risk for delivering a small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infant

95 High sugar consumption can lead to substantial decrease in gestation duration among adolescents

96 Sugar slows food's travel time through the gastrointestinal tract

97 Sugar increases the concentration of bile acids in stools and bacterial enzymes in the colon

98 Sugar increases estradiol (the most potent form of naturally occurring estrogen) in men

99 Sugar combines and destroys phosphatase, an enzyme, which makes the process of digestion more difficult

100 Sugar can be a risk factor of gallbladder cancer

101 Sugar is an addictive substance

102 Sugar can be intoxicating, similar to alcohol

103 Sugar can exacerbate PMS

104 Sugar given to premature babies can affect the amount of carbon dioxide they produce

105 Increase in sugar intake can increase emotional instability

106 The body changes sugar into 2 to 5 times more fat in the bloodstream than it does starch

107 The rapid absorption of sugar promotes excessive food Intake in obese subjects

108 Sugar can worsen the symptoms of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

109 Sugar adversely affects urinary electrolyte composition

110 Sugar can slow down the ability of the adrenal glands to function

111 Sugar has the potential of inducing abnormal metabolic processes in a normal healthy individual and to promote chronic degenerative diseases

112 I.Vs (intravenous feedings) of sugar water can cut off oxygen to the brain

113 High sucrose intake could be an important risk factor in lung cancer

114 Sugar increases the risk of polio

115 High sugar intake can cause epileptic seizures

116 Sugar causes high blood pressure in obese people

117 In Intensive Care Units: Limiting sugar saves lives

118 Sugar may induce cell death

119 Sugar may impair the physiological homeostasis of many systems in living organisms

120 In juvenile rehabilitation camps, when children were put on a low sugar diet, there was a 44% drop in antisocial behavior

121 Sugar can cause gastric cancer

122 Sugar dehydrates newborns

123 Sugar can cause gum disease

124 Sugar increases the estradiol in young men

125 Sugar can cause low birth weight babies

Retrieved from and originally posted by ladyeve

Friday, April 24, 2009

Why do we chose to be vegetarian?

Why do some people nowadays become a vegetarian? Well, here is some factors that I think the causes that makes them to become one.

1. It is good for our body.
2. It is something related to our own religion.
3. It is good for the animals.
4. It saves our money.
5. It decreases our chances to get diseases.
6. It makes us healthy.
7. It saves our time in preparing food.

8 Simple Ways to Achieve Health!

Human are exposed to diseases nowadays. Millions of people died everyday because of diseases. The crucial idea is, if only they are healthy, they will not have died easily. I believe readers want to be healthy and strong. Here are 8 simple ways to achieve health naturally.
  1. Eat what best for your body. The more natural your foods are, the more you will get benefit from them. Be variety in choosing what to eat so you can get enough nutrients for your body to keep running. Avoid overeating.
  2. Go down to the pedestrians and do some brisk walk or jog. Exercise 30 minutes a day will improve your blood circulation and eliminate some dirty toxic from your body. Avoid extreme sport to avoid injuries.
  3. Drink a lot of water today. For instant, 70% of our body consists of water molecules. Lack in water will results in dehydration.
  4. Get exposed to the sunlight. Do not be afraid of the sunshine. It triggers your cells to produce energy.
  5. Do not surfeiting. Be moderate in everything you do.
  6. Take a deep breath of fresh air everyday.
  7. Sleep right. As the saying goes, "early to bed, early to rise; makes a man healthy and wise". Do not skip your sleep time.
  8. Trust in God. Depends totally on Him because He is the source of health. Practice love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. Believe in Him as a source of Health.
These methods are totally reliable. However, readers must practice it in their daily life to achieve maximum health. Try it today!

Monday, April 20, 2009

How Long Does Digestion Take

The length of time that the food stays in the stomach depends on the nature of the food. Fluids move through quickly, usually within a few minutes. Carbohydrates or starchy foods move through quite easily. Fats and proteins requires much more work. The average meal stays in the stomach about five hours. Your whole digestive system functions better if you eat at regular hours. X-ray studies, for example, have shown that when snacks are eaten between meals in the morning, the emptying time of the stomach may be delayed up to eight hours. If snacks are again eaten in the afternoon between meals, the delayed emptying time of the stomach may be twelve to eighteen hours. Is it any wonder then that your habit of eating between meals may cause your stomach aches and indigestion?

By the time the food is ready to leave the stomach, it is a semi-liquid. It then passes into the small intestine. More digestive juices containing enzymes are added to the food. These enzymes break the food down into simple molecules which can be absorbed directly into the blood. This absorption takes place in tiny finger-like projections which line the intestines called villi. This vastly increased absorbing surface has a lining so thin that individual molecules of food can pass through the lining directly into the capillaries and blood stream.

After traveling to the end of the smallest intestines, about all that is left of the meal is water and waste products. It then passes into the large intestine where the water is absorbed through the walls. The waste products form a semi-solid feces that is excreted through the rectum.

Before we leave the digestive system, let us pause for just one moment and take a look at one of the most remarkable organs in the body, the liver. Every second this amazing organ performs chemical magic almost beyond imaginations. More than five hundred liver functions have been discovered to date, and still new ones are constantly found. When you walk up a flight of stairs, your muscles need fuel to turn into energy. At once the liver from its twenty-four hour supply of glycogen or starch, converts a portion into glucose, the fuel for muscles, and feeds it into the blood stream.

Each second three million blood cells die and must be disposed of. these are broken down by the spleen and the liver helps to save the iron and other chemicals for re-use in building new blood cells, which are replaced by the bone marrow.

If you cut your finger, you would bleed to death were it not for the fibrin produced in the liver, which helps the blood to clot.The liver is a store-house for vitamins. It produces antibodies that fight invading viruses and bacteria. One of its most important tasks is to detoxify poisons which are consumed. If excessive amounts of poisonous material, such as alcohol and drugs are consumed, the liver may be damaged.

The Voice of Prophecy

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Carrot: A true medicinal food

Carrots are rich in provitamin A. Carrots contain a small but significant amount of proteins (1.03%), approximately half of that of the potato. Fats are almost completely absent (0.19%), and carbohydrates make up 7.14% of their weight. They are a rather good source of B group vitamins, as well as C and E group vitamins. All minerals and trace elements are present, including iron (0.5 mg/100 g).

Three substances stand out in the composition of carrots:
  • Carotenoids, among the most notable of which is beta-carotene, which our body transforms into vitamin A. Carotenoids are essential for the proper functioning of the retina, particularly for night vision or in low light situation. They also help maintain the skin and mucosa in good condition.
  • Vegetable fiber: Carrots contain about 3%, most of which is in the form of pectin. This helps regulate the transit of stool and soothes the intestinal mucosa.
  • Essential oil: This is active against intestinal parasites.
Carrots are very useful in disease of the retina and of the eyes in general, skin disorders, gastritis, excess of gastric acid, colitis, and in the prevention of cancer.

The Healing Power of Foods, Dr. Pamplona Roger

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Long Journey

Have you ever wondered how food can be changed from its natural state into human tissues, skin, blood, and organs? The digestive system performs the essential task of breaking up food into its chemical-building units. Complex food molecules are broken down to simple molecules that can be absorbed and carried into the blood. Metabolism is a chemical process by which this simple molecules of food are converted into energy and body tissue.

For much of the long trip through the digestive system, food is either squeezed or pushed by muscles. Thus, our intestinal tract often reflects muscle and nervous tension. The food is also dissolved by a series of digestive juices containing enzymes which produce chemical changes in the food.

Digestion begins in the mouth. The food is crushed and chopped by the teeth. The teeth at the front of the jaw cut and tear the food into smaller pieces. Molars in the rear grind the food. While the food is being pulverized into a mass called a "bolus", the digestive juice of the salivary glands begins a breakdown of starches or carbohydrates. An enzyme in the saliva splits the molecules of starch into smaller molecules of simple sugars. You can see the importance of taking time to eat slowly and chewing your food well.

The stomach is a J-shaped organ about ten inches long. Since it is a muscular organ, it cannot grind up the food which has not been chewed thoroughly. Present in the stomach is hydrochloric acid so corrosive that it would blister your skin. Also present is a protective substance, mucus, so effective that nothing can penetrate to the stomach wall, including the acid. The stomach is protected from digestion of itself by the mucus produced by glands in its walls and also by an adequate blood supply.

If your stomach is normal, it is a tough organ not affected by food, unless it is extremely hot, cold, or spicy. "Hot" spicy foods such as black pepper, and chili pepper irritates the tiny nerve endings in the wall of the stomach by burning them. Pepper has no taste, but produces its effect by burning the nerves, which tells us of hot and cold sensations in the tongue, mouth and throat as well.

Pepper accidentally sprinkled in the eye causes a serve irritation. Tears flow quickly as the body tries to dilute the irritant. The extra amount of acid is also harmful to the stomach.

Since pepper is not a food, it irritates the delicate lining of the entire intestinal tract. Some is absorbed into the blood. The blood wants to get rid of it as soon as possible, also, and sends it to the kidneys, where it irritates the tiny filters in the kidneys as well.

So be kind to your stomach and body. Avoid irritants of all kinds.

The stomach is also affected by your emotions. the effect depends upon the emotion. Anger will produce violent churning in the stomach and fiery red areas on the walls. If the anger is prolonged or intense enough these areas will actually bleed. On the other hand, if you are frightened your stomach lies still and the inner lining becomes pale. Emotional tension, fear, anger, and frustration increase secretion of acid and also decrease the supply of blood by constriction of the blood vessels. The stomach may then digest itself and form what we know as peptic ulcer. You can understand, therefore, the importance of avoiding harmful emotions. Plan your meal time so that you will enjoy an unhurried pleasant occasion.

The Voice of Prophecy

Friday, April 10, 2009

Eating Affects All of You

One of the greatest pleasures in life is sitting down to a delicious, well-prepared, appetizing meal with your family or friends. In fact, just thinking of your favourite dish makes your mouth water in pleasant anticipation. More time is spent with food, in either growing it, preparing it, or eating it, than any other human activity. But have you chosen the right kind of food? Did you know that what you eat affects how you feel? Dr Fredrick Stare of Harvard University said, "In my opinion, nutrition is the most important single environmental factor affecting health. Animal experiments have shown that by improving the diet of the animal, the life can be prolonged by 10% and outward signs of old age can be postponed."

Nutrition affects all of you. It does more than meet your physiological needs. Nutrition affects you mentally and spiritually as well. Diet even affects your personality. Research has shown that vitamin or mineral deficiencies can produce mental and personality changes.

For example, the lack of vitamin B1 makes you feel cross and irritable, and sad and moody. If you lack other factors of the B-complex, you may become depressed, irritable, or your mind may experience strange sensations that does not exist, called hallucinations. Insufficient iron results in lower hemoglobin, or anemia, which reduces the capacity of your red blood cells to carry oxygen to the brain and other parts of the body.

Even the skipping of meals like breakfast can effect your attitude and performance. In a study of a group of secondary school boys, the majority had better grades, as well as improved attitudes when they had a good breakfast. Yet how many boys and girls are sent to school without nourishing breakfast! When mid-morning breaks comes, they take their pocket money and fill up on sweets and soft drinks that only satisfy their hunger, but do nothing to build strong bodies and alert minds.

Another study amongst among a group of factory workers indicated that carelessness and irritability, which led to a greater number of accidents around 11am occurred among those workers who did not eat breakfast. Your body is in great need of food at breakfast than any other period of the day.

After a long fast during the night, your blood sugar is at a low level. Make breakfast the most important meal of the day by giving your body approximately one third of the day's nutrients. The strength of your will, the decision-making area of the brain is related to eating habits. Your mind will be more alert to separate right from wrong.

The Voice of Prophecy

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Rest and Relaxation

It is just as important that your body receives adequate rest as it is that it be exercised. Relaxation, both mental and physical, is becoming more and more essential in the fast moving world in which we live. Many emotional tensions are reflected in physical tensions.

As with exercise, so with rest. You must plan for it. No one yet has been able to go through life without periods of rest and relaxation. Even your heart, which beats 60 times a minute, has its periods for rest and this period of rest between beats is longer than the actual heart beat itself.

All of the body's functions operate more smoothly if you live an organized, regular life, that is, regular periods of relaxation, regular hours for meals, regular hours for exercise. Much of the tension, worry and fatigue is due to not having a well planned programme.

Yo can consciously reduce muscle tension which is often the cause of headache, backache and other symptoms. You can learn to relax muscle groups. For example:

1. Clench both fists. Notice the pull, the tenseness around your elbow, in your wrists, and even up into the shoulder. This is muscular tension.

2. Open your fist. Immediately the muscles of the hand, forearm, and arm release their contraction, and the tension is gone.

3. Try this with other muscles. Tighten, then relax. An important set of muscles that need relaxing are the muscles of the neck, throat and face. First, close the eyes. Shut them as tightly as you can. At the same time, press the lips together and bite hard with the jaws. Yo can easily feel the tension about the head. Now let go with your jaw and face. Let your head fall to one side and your jaw completely drop. You may need to practice this last exercise.

The fatigue produced by regular exercise the best tranquilizer ever made either by nature or by man. Mental and spiritual fitness, both dependent on a good brain, are greatly enhanced by optimal (the greatest degree possible) physical fitness and regularity of habits. Body, mind and spirit are woven together, and whatever helps or hurts any one of these, affects the other two.

The Voice of Prophecy